What are you believing for this year? Do you need a fresh start? God is a god of New Beginnings and Fresh Starts. Do you believe it? #freshnewstart #newbeginnings #newyear #freshstart #restart

When You Need a Fresh Start for the New Year

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For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it? I will make a pathway through the wilderness. I will create rivers in the dry wasteland. Isaiah 43:19 NLT

Noah was now 601 years old. On the first day of the new year, ten and a half months after the flood began, the floodwaters had almost dried up from the earth. Noah lifted back the covering of the boat and saw that the surface of the ground was drying. Two more months went by, and at last the earth was dry! Genesis 8:13-14

Happy New Year!

I love a new year fresh start.

It’s a chance to leave behind what was and embrace what could be.

I believe God has a great year planned for all of us. This is the year to see breakthrough in the areas that were once lacking and to receive solutions to the impossible situations.

Sometimes it’s hard to keep holding on, believing for things to move, when you’ve been believing for so long. Yet God is looking for someone to believe He can do it and that He will do it.

Someone like Noah.

Noah was having a pretty rough year.

Yes, he and his family were the only ones that survived The Flood, but that excitement must have waned off after the first week. He was stuck in a confined area….with stinky animals, his close relatives in the next stall, possible seasickness from the waves and no sunshine or fresh air!

I’m sure his question was, “When are we getting off this boat???”

I can totally relate to this!

Well, maybe not all of his situation, but definitely the “When are we getting off this boat???” part.

What are you believing for this year? Do you need a fresh start? God is a god of New Beginnings and Fresh Starts. Do you believe it? #freshnewstart #newbeginnings #newyear #freshstart #restart


When You Need a Fresh Start

Several years ago we found out our house had toxic black mold.

 Not exactly the news you want to hear when you have 5 kids and homeschool!

Fortunately we had mold insurance.

However, if you’ve ever dealt with an insurance claim on a large project, you know that this was not an enjoyable process. But just as I’m sure God encouraged Noah along the way, He also spoke to us.

He gave us a word of encouragement: I work all things out for the good of those who love Me and are called according to My purpose. (Romans 8:28)

And He gave us direction: Don’t take no for an answer.

These are the two things we clung to as we set out on our journey of fixing our house, uprooting our family and moving into a rental house in another city. Although it was not smooth by any means, I must say, many of the transitions were huge blessings.

[bctt tweet=”What seem to be problems can turn into blessings, if we patiently wait on the Lord.” username=”Alisa_Nicaud”]

We sat for almost 3 years waiting for our house to be fixed and sold. Meanwhile I was in a rental home, feeling cramped and unsettled. I felt myself asking the question Noah probably asked God, “When God When?”

It did not come quickly.

Finally, at the beginning of the 4th year, God showed up. Not only did He show up, but He showed off His goodness. In addition to a long-term renter for our house that had mold, He opened a door for us to buy our dream house. The seller claimed he had been trying to sell the house for 4 years, but something kept preventing him from listing it. I knew exactly what that something, or  who that Someone was!

A new year had come for us. A new day arrived for God to show His faithfulness in our situation. He told us He was doing a new thing—and He was!

I have no doubt God reserved this house for us. He always shows up—usually in ways we least expect.

Friends, He is faithful.

Situations may seem hopeless, but He is the bringer of Hope.

Finances may be lacking, but He is the God who Provides.

Children may go astray, but He is the Redeemer and His specialty is Restoration.

[bctt tweet=”God has a way of making a pathway in our wilderness and creating rivers in the dry areas of our lives.” username=”Alisa_Nicaud”]

Just when we think we can’t take one more day or one more thing…. We see the fruit of what He’s been doing all along!

It’s a new year and you can have a fresh start!

Do you believe it?

I find it interesting that just a few months into the new year, Noah heard the words he had longed to hear, “It’s time to get off the boat!” Those were not the exact words God spoke to him, but I’m sure that’s all he heard!

Isn’t that what we all want to hear?

That the solution to our problem has arrived? Yet in this process of waiting, our character is being built and our faith is being stretched. We can choose not to give up or get discouraged. When it seems as if we have been waiting forever, we can stay convinced that our deliverance is on it’s way! As we wait patiently for our breakthroughs this year, let’s wait expectantly.

We can trust God is moving on our behalf, whether we see it or not.

Can we pray and agree together for a prosperous year?

God, thank You that we can count on You to work things out for our good! We are waiting expectantly in this new year for You to do spectacular things in our lives. We anticipate our breakthroughs to come forth this year, even sooner rather than later! Lord, we love You and we trust in You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


This weeks Salt & Light feature is from Jennifer at Heaven not Harvard. I love her honesty of what a fresh start look likes. There are times when we cannot control what’s around us. Sometimes a fresh start means a fresh perspective, changing our attitudes before our circumstances are changed. She says,

….I always find myself in a lot of familiar places despite my determination to have a fresh start each new year.

Because the kind of year I have is not entirely up to me.

Life happens. We live in a fallen world with illness and sin. The choices of others affect us. God has plans for us and our lives that are often outside of our control. Having a fresh start can’t mean expecting all good things for the future. It can’t be a prosperity gospel message. Messages like that leave us disappointed and discouraged.

God never promised us an easy life. He promised help to live it.

>>>Click here to read more of Jennifer’s post Have a Fresh Start this New Year<<<


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  1. I have definitely had those “Get me off of this boat!” moments through the years! SO thankful that God knows better than we do what is best even when it doesn’t feel like what we want. Such an encouraging post!

  2. Loved this post! Fresh starts can look like a lot of different things for everyone and that is perfectly normal and okay! My word or phrase if you will for this year is “operating in faith”. This resonated with me as I prayed over a word for 2020 as I feel the last few years have tested my faith in many ways and I have struggled to stay rooted in a deep trust of God and who He says I am. So my thought is that if I truly say I have faith and talk to others about having faith, then I need to act on that myself and operate in faith that God is working on all things…in due time.

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