Do you know how much you're loved? You've been grafted into the True Vine and completely accepted by the Father. Join us as we study Jesus, the True Vine.


  1. I am not a Gardner so sometimes the word picture of the vine is a bit confusing to me. But, I know that a plant can’t live if it’s not connected to the life source. Jesus is our life source and we need to be connected to Him to have true life.

  2. Beautiful!! I’ve spent more than my shar of time duct taped to the vine, too! Thanks for sharing your vulnerability and encouraging us to make lasting connections! Blessings!

  3. Great thoughts on the vine. It is so easy to start listening to the wrong voice in our head. We know the truth. Thank you for redirecting my thoughts to where it needs to be.

  4. I can see myself as that duct-taped part, clinging- but with HOPE- that I will be rooted into God’s system. I’ve been studying the armor of God, and know that we have a defense against Satan- who endlessly tells us lies. If only we would recognize that. Thank you for this important post Chassity.

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