1. I am an analyzer as well! It drives me crazy sometimes! I really enjoyed your post. I am visiting today from Word Filled Wednesday Link up. Glad I stopped by:)

  2. I am a huge analyzer!
    I’m in the process of changing the way I think about failure, too. Learning to be ok with not succeeding and gaining wisdom from the experience instead of tossing it aside as a “failure”.

    1. Me too, Rebecca! Failure can be a launching pad if we allow it. But it’s so easy to get sidetracked by disappointments that come along with it! Praise God He’s working it all out!

  3. SO many good nuggets in here! Especially “when he began thinking, he began sinking.” and the quote by your pastor about failure. Thanks for this post!

  4. I have a question… (just found your site today, via Pinterest). I’ve been a big believer in God speaking to us, but lately several people and sources keep contradicting that. For example, this article by Tim Challies.

    While I agree that nothing should be added to (or removed from) the Bible — that God’s Word, and everything we need for salvation, is complete, I do still believe that God wants a relationship with us, and therefore, He speaks to us, using whatever means He chooses.

    I’ve had many instances where, like you mentioned in this post, God got my attention through various sources about a specific thing He wanted to work on me. But I also believe I “heard” God speak to me about something specific to my personal life… not audibly, but a very distinct “voice” in my head. He told me something that I could not have known any other way, except if it was from Him. And it’s something I don’t believe the devil could have placed in my mind, either. I’ve tested & tried what I “heard” over and over and over, for 11 years now, and have asked God to show me CLEARLY if I’m “wrong” that I heard from Him. But every time I start to doubt, He seems to bring even MORE “confirmations” to me.

    So, for now, I’m choosing to believe that God “spoke” to me.

    I’m curious what you think of those who –like Mr. Challies– believe God DOESN’T speak to us, any more. Any thoughts?

    1. Hey Jenn! You are correct in that God can most definitely speak to our hearts! There is His divine will for all of us written in His Word, but He also speaks to us directly. That is the very reason why He sent Jesus- to reconcile our relationship with Him, so that we could come boldly to His throne of grace. He longs for a relationship with us. A relationship requires a two way street, speaking and hearing. Part of spending time with God is prayer (us speaking to Him) and listening (Him speaking to us). His words to us will never contradict His written Word. I usually share what God’s speaking to me with a close friend or my husband for confirmation, especially if it involves a big decision or change. But I would say “Yay, for you!” You are hearing His voice! What a wonderful gift it is to hear Him.

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