How do you conquer fear? Fear is not a one time war, but an ongoing battle. Here are 12 Dynamic Resources to Help you to Conquer Fear when it rises up.


  1. These are great resources – I’m looking forward to checking out a couple of these that I haven’t seen yet, thank you!
    I appreciate you sharing these as I know many people will benefit. Thank you!

  2. This has blessed me so much today, dear Alisa! I am in one of the hardest seasons of life right now, and I needed to re-read that post I wrote!! Thank you for all of these amazing resources. <3

    1. I loved that post, Lauren!! Sometimes we forget the amazing things God has done in us and through us until we’re asked to extend a compassionate hand to others. I love how your story impacted that sweet girl. Beautiful testimony of God’s grace in your life! ❤️

  3. Thank you for bringing together so many useful resources. Often we read these things but can’t find them again later when we need them. This post is great to keep and come back to later.

    1. Thanks, Ruth! It can be difficult to find good resources that are rooted in truth on this topic! Coming back to it is a great idea!

  4. These are some power packed resources! I’ll be linking to this article in my post going live Friday: When Dreams are Daunting! Blessings!

  5. I think the resource I lack the most is community. It isn’t that I don’t have a community, but it is almost 100% online, and that doesn’t really replace real, face-to-face interaction, you know? I’m working on getting to know more people at church though. 🙂

    1. I know what you mean, Rebecca! Community is so important! I’m more of an introvert so I don’t have a ton of friends “in real life” but I do have a core group of 3 or 4 close friends that I can count on. I actually met a few of my friends at church and in small group! Maybe look into a small group at church if your church offers them. That’s a great way to get connected!

  6. What a great idea to bring all these resources together! Thank you for sharing mine as well. Your email series looks great! I’m going to sign up.

  7. I love the song Fearless by Jasmine Murray. Great post! I can’t wait to check out these resources.

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