When God is Bigger Than You Think

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Do you ever limit God? Have you discounted certain dreams or ideas because you weren’t skilled or qualified to do what is in your heart? There have been many times in my life where I have felt ill-equipped to accomplish what God has asked me to do. Where He was leading me was beyond my skill set, too uncomfortable and put me in a position of vulnerability. No one likes to be vulnerable, right? Yet that’s what it takes to follow Jesus sometimes. Being open to the uncomfortable, stepping out blindly, relying on His strength and not our own to perform the tasks ahead. When we decide to fully surrender…. that’s where our insecurity ends and His power begins.

God is Bigger than You Think | God is Big | Overcoming through the Word | Studying the Bible


Several years ago (ok like 10) I felt God calling me to write. I’ve always enjoyed writing and journalling, but only for myself. I never thought about whether I was good at it or not, I just did it because I felt lead to do it. The issue of whether I was qualified to write never came up until God asked me to do it publicly. When I wrote for myself it was safe, tucked away for my eyes only. It was my thoughts and revelations of what God had shown me. I never considered sharing those with others. Until the day God prompted me to start a blog. A blog? I knew nothing, and I mean nothing about blogging. I didn’t know where to begin, what was entailed and how much work would be involved in getting this thing going. The only thing I knew was to go to google. Because I love to research, I began investigating the topic and came across Michael Hyatt’s invitation to start a blog. What a coincidence right?

Lesson 1:

God always equips us for what He’s calling us to do, regardless of our skill set.


I clicked on the link, set up the blog and I even started a Facebook Community page for the blog. And that’s where I remained for 4 years. I started the blog, but the writing part would have to wait. I wasn’t convinced I was ready.  What if it wasn’t good? What if nobody read it? What if I said something that wasn’t scripturally accurate? These were real questions that plagued me. I knew the Word and what God had promised me. He would never leave me nor forsake me (Deuteronomy 31:6). He would equip me with everything good for doing His will (Hebrews 13:21). I knew these things, but something was preventing me from moving forward.

Lesson 2:

Fear seeks to hold you back, keep you in a place of complacency, preventing you from moving forward in God’s will for your life.

During this time, my husband suggested that I get a life coach, because apparently I needed accountability. God knew what I needed in a husband. He is strong, outgoing, and fearless. When he sees a challenge, he faces it head on. We’ve all been given a certain measure of faith. I’m convinced my husband was given a double portion. He knows my weaknesses and one of them is stepping out of my comfort zone. He was not nonchalantly suggesting a coach. He knew it was what I needed.  The idea of having a coach was not appealing to me at first. If challenges arose, I didn’t want someone to push me to do it! I wanted to stay in that place of comfort and enjoy a relaxing, peaceful life. Except the peace had gone. Have you ever noticed that when God calls you to do something and you stall, suddenly peace is nowhere to be found?

Lesson 3:

Invited accountability is a key factor that compels us towards our destiny.

As I began meeting week after week with Dianna, my new Coachwell life coach, I actually started looking forward to my meetings with her. She’s an encourager, optimistic and loves life and wants others to experience God’s best as well. The more I met with her the more I trusted her. About 3 months into our relationship, she threw this bomb on me, “I’m going on vacation and when I come back, I’m expecting to read your first blog post…posted on your website.” Wait, what? Was she being serious? This is what I didn’t want from coaching. This was the exact reason I was resisting accountability. After I complained a little and expressed my hesitation, she lovingly replied, “Alisa, you’re ready. What are you waiting for?” She was right. I knew she was, but it didn’t feel right. She was dragging me out of my place of comfort. I had a choice: I could kick and scream or I could go willingly, knowing God was with me. Of course, I chose to go willingly.

The truth is, God equips the called, He doesn’t call the equipped. And when He equips the called, He surrounds them with people who can help them through. That’s what He did for me. He used people in my life to encourage me that I could do it, when I didn’t think I could. He reassured me…He’s bigger than what I think. When I feel like I can’t, He says, “But I can.”

Are you holding back on a dream because you feel inadequate? Are you resisting God’s call to step out because you’re not sure what to expect? Friend, God has already laid the groundwork for you. He’s gathered your helpers, planned the opportunities and He knows the end from the beginning. There’s no place He’s called you to that He hasn’t already been. Your job…. trust Him. Know that He is bigger than you think.


Father, I thank you today for each person that you led to read this. God I pray that You are touching their hearts and bringing them into the greatness that You have for them. Show them Your goodness, Lord. Thank you, that You have equipped them to follow the dreams You have placed in their hearts. Help them to rise up and obey, Lord. Give them eyes to see beyond their fears and instead see You’re hand at work in their lives. Bless them as they follow You. In Jesus name, Amen!

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    1. I definitely need accountability, Lyli! It causes me to move forward in the face of fear, rise up from insecurity and overcome obstacles that would normally cause me to retreat! Thanks for stopping by today.

  1. Oh my, I could’ve written the same post minus the life coach… Bless you for sharing. My heart is full, our husband’s are even similar. I’ve just recently been prompted by HIM to come back to blogging, after I took a very long break. The same questions and fears have plagued me. Trusting HIM.Period. Amen and amen.

    1. Lora, isn’t it funny how the enemy taunts each of us with similar lies? Praise the Lord we have others who help us to recognize those lies and help us see what God sees in us! Thanks for visiting!

  2. Oh, how many times my husband and I have said that! God equips, not us.

    God is a BIG God and our prayers reflect that. We need to step off the cliff of what we understand about God and stretch our faith.

    Great post and if you don’t mind, I may link it to a new post I’m working on.

  3. <3 this! I'm still plagued by the same concern about scriptural inaccuracy. But I do pray that God would help others to see His message not my blunders! Your hubby sounds like a great encourager! Blessings, liz

  4. I appreciate this, Alisa, because I have a similar story. I have loved writing since I was a child, but I was not convinced it was good enough. I kept doing it and did things like the junior high newspaper. Then when our children were little I submitted a few things to our small church newsletter and that led to being asked to do some writing for a local paper for several years. In the meantime, life was busy and I was teaching. Then came grad school and switching careers. The love of writing and journaling never went away. About 20 years ago I showed a couple of things to someone who had been an editor and she basically confirmed that I really had nothing to say and did not write well. Except for some journal entries, I wrote nothing else and certainly never shared what I wrote with anyone except from time to time in a note to a close friend to encourage them. From them, I kept hearing that I needed to be writing. My husband who knew this passion kept prodding me and reminding me that if I never tried it he thought I would really be disappointed in myself. Last Feb. I saw in Margaret Feinberg’s newsletter that she was hosting a Writers Boot Camp in June in CO. I felt very nudged to go and since we were vacationing out west that could work well. I had retired about 9 months earlier and received some gifts of money that would pay for it. Our assignment before arriving was to set up a website and start blogging!! What???? I thought that was what they were supposed to teach us!! Long story and cutting to the chase, I did the assignment and feel as if I have been growing and learning ever since. I can still have doubts, but fewer than I once did (most days). Happy to be your neighbor at Crystal’s Linkup.

    1. Wow, Pam! What a story you have. Isn’t it amazing how God keeps sending people to encourage us when we feel inadequate? Thank you for sharing this with me today!

  5. Alisa – I love this post! I’m not sure if you were hearing me, but I was saying AMEN several times as I read through the post point after point. You lessons are so good, and Oh, don’t you just love how God uses our husbands to be the catalyst to get us to step up instead of letting us stay frozen in fear. God knows exactly what we need and I am so grateful your life coach also – pushed/encouraged you to write your very first post. Your message is so important. Thank you for being obedient. We are neighbors at #ImpartingGrace today.

    1. Thanks For your encouragement, Debbie! It is so easy to get stuck in fear and not move forward. Thank the Lord He sends backup to push us forward! Thanks for reading today! Have a great weekend!

  6. Amen! I was the same way when I started my blog. I kept it private for about a year. And with each new venture into something new, I have to remind myself of the same quote you used in your post, “God doesn’t call the equipped, He equips the calls.” So nice to meet you!

  7. Alisa, so very happy that you stepped out of your comfort zone and started blogging! I’m sure countless people have been blessed by your writing, all because you stepped out in faith and obeyed. Our God is so very good to provide us with what we need to fulfill His calling on our lives. Blessings to you on this Thursday.

    1. Thanks, Crystal! It’s never easy stepping out, but I can certainly say it’s been worth it. Thanks for stopping by today.

  8. Oh my goodness, I needed to read this today! I have one huge project that so many people have encouraged me to do, and I keep telling myself I am not qualified to do it. Week after week I push the project as a whole back to another week in my planner, and never — ever! — even try to break it down into actionable steps. If I do that, then there might be a clear path, and I might have to (gasp!) follow it! I don’t know what is down that path and I really don’t feel equipped to handle the unknown, so I think I’ll stay here where it’s safe, right?

    BTW, I’m glad you followed that leading out of your comfort zone — every time I read something you’ve written, it is a blessing. 🙂

    1. I’m so glad you stopped by today, Wendy! I have those same feelings every time I’m pushed out of my comfort zone! But I also know that every time I’ve done it, God has done things in me and through me that have been more than I could imagine! Step out friend! God will meet you right where you are and give you everything you need to succeed in what He’s telling you to do! Have a great weekend!

  9. Those are really great lessons, and ones that I have also learned through my different life experiences. Thanks so much for the reminder!

  10. Beth Baughan says:

    Tears just ran down my face. Healing tears. You know when you read something or talk to someone and you share some of their experience and you know someone understands you. I have been writing since I was 15 on and off. I am almost 43. I am guessing fear and distractions have slowed me down. I did try to start writing a blog. It was short lived. I did finally write my testimony in 2012. When people read it they tell me I should write a book. Writing a book has been on my heart for 25 years. I ran my first marathon at age 25 because I told myself if I could do that, I knew that some day I could write a book. I push it aside. Fear of all the things you have said. I have an extremely hard time with focus in the whirlwind of life. I believe God is bringing it to me again. I will look for a life coach/accountability person. Thank you for stepping out in faith and allowing God to use you. Blessings.

    1. Beth, that is so wonderful!!!! You can do this! I often feel like I have nothing to say and no words left to write. It’s usually during those times that God will bring messages just like yours to warm my heart and confirm I’m in the right place! Setting aside time is the biggest part of writing. It sounds so simple, but it seems to be the hardest for us to do! My husband and I have an executive coaching business as well. If you would like, I can connect you to some wonderful life coaches. You can email me at flourishingtoday@gmail.com if you are interested. Have a great weekend! Know that I am praying for you and believing for God to do great things in and through you this year!

      1. Totally interested. I will contact you soon!

  11. I can so totally identify with your story. I was always a back row sitter in Bible study classes and never spoke up. Then after many years, I felt God calling me off the back row and to step out and to stop ‘taking in’ truth and start ‘giving it out’. yes, i wrestled with the idea of standing in front of a class and wondering if I had anything of any value to say, but then like you said, when we start depending on God, we also begin walking in his power. It was a great lesson that I learned… that God doesn’t want our sufficiency or expertise… all He wants is our dependence and availability… He will do the rest! Thanks for stepping out and sharing your story!

    1. So true Karen! I can identify with God saying stop taking in truth and start giving it out. I can get stuck in a rut, where I stall when I feel uncomfortable! That’s the place where I can get stagnant, so naturally God wants to move me out of that place. Thanks for stopping by today!

  12. Michael Hyatt is quite the inspiration, yes? I’m glad you found him all those years ago and took him up on his challenge. So thankful we serve a powerful and faithful God!

    1. Yes to Michael and Absolutely to God! Thanks for stopping by today Lisa. Have a great weekend!

  13. Fear often squeezes its way into my life. I pray regularly about it.

    Accountability is vital too.

    What wonderful encouragement you’ve shared here!

    Thanks so much for sharing (and for linking up to the #SHINEbloghop).

    Wishing you a lovely weekend.

    1. Thanks, Jennifer! I’m so glad you stopped by today. Have a wonderful weekend!

  14. God equips the called…i absolutely love this Alisa! I am glad to see I was not the only one having similar feelings before taking that step of faith. What a blessing this post is to me and your writing is beautiful. Thank you for sharing what God has laid on your heart. Accountability and support are so key in stepping out in faith. I’m glad to read you had those as you seek to glorify our Savior! I am learning to trust Him more and more each day. Thanks again for sharing. Have a wonderful weekend and may God bless you and yours!

  15. Oh. my. stars.
    This could be my story. Only I didn’t get the life coach (but have often thought of that!). Girl, I had those very same thoughts go through my mind before starting. And honestly, I often still slip into that pattern and wonder if I’m hearing God correctly that this public writing is REALLY what He wants me to do. I love what you did with Suzie’s prompt this week 🙂 Fabulous! I’m scheduling this to share on my social medias!

    Blessings and smiles,
    p.s. I am taking that next step of obedience and starting my own linkup, Moments of Hope, on May 2nd! I would love love LOVE it if you were to join me!

    1. Wow!! That’s awesome, Lori! That is a huge step. I will definitely be joining you. Thank you so much for sharing, I truly appreciate it. And if you decide to take the next step in coaching, let me know and I’ll be glad to help you in any way I can. My husband and I have an executive coaching business, where we coach people all across the US. It’s amazing how God has merged my love of writing and passion to help people reach their highest potential. Once I took that step of faith, He just continued to open new doors of opportunity. Thank you for stopping by today and have a blessed weekend!

  16. I love this: “when God calls you to do something and you stall, suddenly peace is nowhere to be found” So very true! I’m glad your coach (and your husband!) pushed you out of your comfort zone. We have all been blessed because she did!

    1. Thanks, Christa! It’s never easy to step out, but I always find there are blessings along the way when I do! I’m so glad you stopped by today. Have a great week!

  17. Thank you for sharing so vulnerably of your struggles here…sounds like we have been on a similar journey with writing! Love how God dares us to step out in faith, but also equips and encourages right when we need it and with what we need. This is a good reminder for me right now though…to keep stepping into the fear of the unknown, trusting in His provision.

    1. Great reminder for me too, Anna! Stepping out seems to be the theme of the year for me. Thanks for reading today. Have a great week!

  18. Thank you for your story and your encouragement. This week I’m stepping out big in my final step of being ordained as a minister. Throughout the whole process one of the most important components has been obedience to the call and stepping out in faith. As you said “fear will hold us back” – faith propels us forward! Visiting from Open Mic Monday 🙂

    1. Yay!!! Good for you Angela! What a blessing that will come from your obedience! Praying that God continues to guide you in the direction He has for you.

  19. I love the accountability from Compel training; what a Godsend. I was worried I would start this blogging and instantly quit. I had never written for the Lord before. Sure, I wrote plenty of secular poetry and even had it published, but what was God thinking when He asked me to open a blog and become vulnerable to others! Um, WHOA! LOL. I’m so glad you posted this to encourage others and uplift them on their journey through whatever skill God has called them to rise to. You are a beautiful person and I enjoy your posts immensely. Thank you for linking up to Open Mic Monday for the soul at Cisneros Cafe. You are a blessing, my friend.

    1. Awww, thanks Carolina! I truly love that I’ve gotten to meet some amazing people, like yourself through Compel. Thanks for providing community every week for us!

  20. So glad you took the initiative to follow her advice and write from your heart for others to read. Your words are a blessing.
    Glad you shared them with me at #GraceMoments, Alisa. Thanks for being a part of the community.

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