How to Make the Prayer of Jabez Your Own
Of all the prayers listed in scripture, the Prayer of Jabez is one of my favorites.
If you’ve never read about Jabez, I want to invite you to read a small passage nestled in the middle of 1 Chronicles 4. Although he is only mentioned in the 2 verses, it is evident that there are some lessons we can learn from him and his powerful prayer.
There was a man named Jabez who was more honorable than any of his brothers. His mother named him Jabez because his birth had been so painful. He was the one who prayed to the God of Israel, “Oh, that you would bless me and expand my territory! Please be with me in all that I do, and keep me from all trouble and pain!” And God granted him his request.
1 Chronicles 4:9-10 NLT

4 Parts to the Jabez Prayer we can incorporate
1. Pray for God to Bless You
Do you ever feel hesitant to pray for God’s blessing over your life? Sometimes we fail to seek God for His blessings, because we see it as selfish or feel we don’t deserve it.
But friend, can I encourage you today?
Asking God to bless us is not selfish! In fact, Jabez didn’t just ask God to bless him, but to bless him indeed. When we seek God, asking Him to bless us, we are in essence asking Him to fill us with only what He can give.
If I could imagine what Jabez’s plea looked like, I would envision him on his knees, arms stretched high towards the heavens, desperately seeking God to pour out not just His favor and provision, but His Spirit on Him. His cry seems to portray one of hunger and acknowledgement that unless God were to bless him, he would do nothing and be nothing. It was an act of surrender that God considered honorable.
Friend, God wants to bless you even more than you want to be blessed. His Word shows us that.
And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4:19 NKJV
Don’t be afraid to draw close to God in prayer, asking for His blessing! God calls us to “Keep on asking” and we will receive what we ask for. (Matthew 7:7)
2. Pray that He will expand your territory
What does it mean to expand our territory? The word territory in this scripture is the Hebrew word gebuwl, meaning border or boundary.
When we ask God to expand our borders, we are asking Him to increase our influence and impact for Him. When we ask God to increase our boundaries, we are also asking Him to dissolve the lines in our minds of what we think is our limit and push us past our comfort zones.
He has so much in store for us, if only we will ask!
For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.
Jeremiah 29:11 NLT
He can do exceedingly abundantly more than we think or imagine, if we will let him loose the walls of our boundaries and step out into the deep.
3. Ask Him to be with you in all you do
I think one of the main reasons we resist asking God to expand our territory, is that we fear we won’t have the capacity or the ability to walk it out.
When we ask for big things, many times our biggest fear is actually getting that thing we asked for. We begin to ponder things like, ‘What if I can’t pull this off? What if I fail? Will I let God down?‘
But the truth is, God doesn’t bless us and leave us. He doesn’t expand our boundaries and expect us to do it in our own strength.
Our biggest test in accepting His blessings and expansions is to continue to rely on and trust in Him to guide us through. It is HIS strength that we walk in. Jabez was wise enough to realize that it was GOD that was working these things in Him and through Him.
For God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases him.
Philippians 2:13 NLT
When we ask God to be with us, we are inviting Him to be in the driver’s seat. We are recognizing our need for HIM to move on our behalf. It keeps us dependent on Him and allows Him to get the glory.
4. Pray for His protection and deliverance
This part of the prayer of Jabez is probably one of the most crucial. When we begin to walk in the blessing of God with expanded influence, we are a prime target for the enemy to strike.
Old temptations may resurface, spiritual attacks can increase and obstacles could arise that will make us want to back down.
The enemy knows our pressure points. Jabez didn’t just ask God to get him through these things, but asked Him to keep him from these things. He knew God’s protection from the attacks of the enemy and his deliverance from any temptation would be imperative for him to keep going.
When we are on the path that God wants us, making an impact on those around us, abiding in the Vine will be our protection. As we draw closer to Jesus, asking Him to be our Guide and our Protection, He will cover us and give us eyes to see the enemy’s attempts to derail us.
Making the Prayer of Jabez your own
How can we make the Prayer of Jabez our own prayer? Here’s a sample prayer for you pray like Jabez:
Lord, we thank you for the great privilege of being your children. We pray that you would bless us indeed! Pour out every blessing you have for us and give us the character and the faith we need to walk them out. Father, expand our influence, our reach, our impact for Your Kingdom, that you may receive all glory and honor. Remove any hinderances in us that would cause us to shrink back from all that you have for us. Help us to walk boldly in your will for us, knowing that it is your hand that is guiding us. Lord, be with us as we step out in faith and pursue your purpose for our lives. We stand confident in you, trusting you as our Source and our Protection. Keep us from any temptation that would lead us astray. Guard our hearts, minds and bodies from any attack from the enemy that would seek to come against us. Lord, we trust you as Jehovah Jireh to provide all that we need to accomplish your will. In Jesus’ name, Amen!
You made such a good point in #3. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve held back in prayer, because I’m actually afraid that I can’t do it or follow through. Thanks for the reminder that God will take care of that, too. 🙂
I love this prayer so much and always have! I especially love praying for Him to expand our territory! It is not something we normally think of when praying and I think it is so vitally important! Loved this post!!
Thank you for the encouraging & practical post!
I read the book about this prayer years ago. I was just reminded that I need to get that back out and reread it! Thank you! Lovely post. Pinned.
Thank you very much.
I am a church leader at a local baptist church and have just taken on the role
Of leading a prayer meeting,and have found this article very encouraging.
Thank you.