What are you believing for this year? Do you need a fresh start? God is a god of New Beginnings and Fresh Starts. Do you believe it? #freshnewstart #newbeginnings #newyear #freshstart #restart


  1. I have definitely had those “Get me off of this boat!” moments through the years! SO thankful that God knows better than we do what is best even when it doesn’t feel like what we want. Such an encouraging post!

  2. Loved this post! Fresh starts can look like a lot of different things for everyone and that is perfectly normal and okay! My word or phrase if you will for this year is “operating in faith”. This resonated with me as I prayed over a word for 2020 as I feel the last few years have tested my faith in many ways and I have struggled to stay rooted in a deep trust of God and who He says I am. So my thought is that if I truly say I have faith and talk to others about having faith, then I need to act on that myself and operate in faith that God is working on all things…in due time.

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