Are you searching for how to have faith in the midst of fear? When we have faith in God and put our hope in His Word, we will find it easier to walk by faith and not by sight! #havefaith #faith #faithinGod #choosefaith #fear #nofear #scripture #scripturesonfear #bibleverses

How to Have Faith in the Midst of Fear

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Are you searching for how to have faith in the midst of fear? When we have faith in God and put our hope in His Word, we will find it easier to walk by faith and not by sight! #havefaith #faith #faithinGod #choosefaith #fear #nofear #scripture #scripturesonfear #bibleverses

There’s no doubt many of us struggle with fear.

What causes us to focus on the unknown rather than trusting God to do what He does best? Why do we keep allowing fear to hold us back from all He has for us? 

And more importantly…

How can we have faith in the midst of fear?

Fear causes us to pass up opportunities we might never encounter again. It’s unpleasant, it’s paralyzing, and it can cause us to believe in the worst case scenario is more likely than it really is. Fear causes us to retreat and surrender to the lies of the enemy. 

Like so many of you, I have allowed myself to be crippled by fear instead of standing strong through the power of my faith.

Maybe there’s a job you want to apply for but you feel intimidated by the qualifications.

Or perhaps you want to relocate to another city but the unknown keeps you from taking a chance.

It could be that you’ve been asked to lead a women’s Bible study at church and you’ve never done that before.

We allow fear to cloud our judgment in so many situations. Yet by doing so we relinquish the privilege of watching God’s plan unfold in what could be some of our biggest moments.

Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.” Deuteronomy 31:6 

 There was one time in particular I remember having to choose faith in the midst of fear…

I had been in the classroom for 24 years when I was given the opportunity to step away from teaching and enter school administration.

I had prayed for months about the next steps God had for me. Specifically I prayed that I would go where He would lead me.

It may not sound like I was scared, but I was.

I was also willing to step out in faith, believing there was courage in the promise I made to Him.

But those were just words.

Then reality hit.


Are you searching for how to have faith in the midst of fear? When we have faith in God and put our hope in His Word, we will find it easier to walk by faith and not by sight! #havefaith #faith #faithinGod #choosefaith #fear #nofear #scripture #scripturesonfear #bibleverses

Because of a connection I’d previously made, I was asked to interview for a position in a city about 90 minutes from home.

I remember thinking, “Are you kidding me? Lord, I can’t do this job. Are you sure this is what You want for me?”

In the interim I came up with every excuse possible to keep from taking the job if it was offered.

Taking this job would mean leaving my home (my husband traveled and our daughter was at college) at least during the work week to make it feasible.

I would need to find a place to live.

Insecurity began to rise up as I wondered if I could do this job.

I was shaking in my shoes at the thought of new colleagues, a new school, new position and more.

The thoughts of all the possibilities were making me physically sick.

And then I interviewed and the job offer came shortly after.

What followed was nothing short of His faithfulness and provision.

The faith I depended on played out through God in every possible way.

Through prayer, I knew that everything would work out according to His plan and not mine.

I knew I had the support of my family and I’d promised Him early in the game that I would go where He wanted me.

And, I did. 

God’s Word says in Isaiah 41:10,

“So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”

One of the most powerful stories in the Bible is the story of David defeating Goliath.

It is one of my favorite illustrations of how faith meets fear.

After 40 days of Goliath issuing challenge after challenge, David shows us the right way to deal with a situation when fear is hurled our way.

Can you imagine how young David felt as he prepared to face the giant?

But David believed so fervently in the living God that he volunteered to fight the enemy alone.

He didn’t listen to the negative talk and he didn’t let his inexperience make him fearful.

Instead David recognized the giant didn’t stand a chance against the most powerful and Holy God.

He had equipped him to withstand the battle.

With David, a shepherd boy, reigning victorious over Goliath, how can we ever doubt or fear anything when we have God on our side?   

“All those gathered here will know that it is not by sword or spear that the Lord saves; for the battle is the Lord’s, and he will give all of you into our hands.”  1 Samuel 17:47

 I’ve learned any time I’m afraid to move forward with a next step I should immediately dive into God’s Word and prepare my heart and my mind for what’s to come.

It’s a time for all of us to read the Scriptures and build a close connection with the one true God, who never leaves us nor forsakes us. Remembering, the God we serve is the same God who gave David the courage to be bold and stand against the enemy of fear.

Nothing is impossible with God.

mitzi bio picAbout the Author:

Mitzi Neely is an inspiring motivational speaker who encourages women of all ages through her experiences and shortcomings. She has been blessed with a passion and love for people that stretches across the generations. Her heart is to lighten your load, while conveying her message that nobody’s perfect. So often God places certain people in your life at just the right moment; whether the reason is to help teach you, help you grow in your walk with Him, or to simply love and lift up others. Whatever your struggle or need, you will find encouragement through her words as she refreshes your heart and renews your joy.

Follow Mitzi at because the joy of the journey is learning in His word together.

You can also connect with Mitzi here:

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One Comment

  1. I have been working on this so much lately. I started a prayer journal for the month of February with this specifically in mind. Thank you for these words. God does give us what we need.

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