Have you ever asked yourself "Who is Jesus?" Maybe your casually wondering or maybe you really want to know. Here's what happens when you meet Jesus.


  1. I love how as we get to know God, He reveals Himself more and more to us! I can’t even imagine turning away, even in the roughest of times. (Visiting today from Women with Intention)

  2. I love how Jesus tenderly met you when you needed him the most. He’s so good to us, isn’t he?

  3. This is wonderful, Alicia! God truly is more than we can ever ask or imagine! I’m so glad He is in my life! What a beautiful correlation you have made between His greatness and Queen of Sheba with Solomon.

    Have a beautiful weekend, my friend! Thank you for writing!

  4. I love the encouragement that we CAN know Jesus better. All we have to do is ask! Visiting from Grace and Truth!

  5. Alisa, I wonder how many of us discover the riches of God’s heart during the times our heart needs comforted most. He becomes so clearly visible when our world is rocked. Yes, He does give us more than we can ever imagine, and I cannot fathom attempting to live life without my Savior! Thank you for this sweet reminder of where our greatest riches are found and thanks so much for sharing your message on #FreshMarketFriday! So glad to have you each week:) Crystal~

  6. Such amazing truth, Alisa. We spend a lot of time focusing on our own brokenness and rightly owning our need for a Savior, but you’ve given us the other piece of the transaction which is over and above all that we could ask or think!

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