Choosing to Trust God in the Unknown
Do you find it hard to trust God in the unknown?
It’s easy to praise Him when things go our way, but what about in the difficult times?
How do we continue to believe when everything in the natural seems contrary to His Word?
There have been moments in my life where I’ve had to choose to trust when my feelings were telling me otherwise.
When my marriage was falling apart, when my father passed away, and even when I had to send my kids back to school.
In each case, the future was uncertain.
But there was something to learn from these circumstances.
When life seems out of control, I’ve learned to press in.
What does that look like?
Trust God in the Unknown
Meditating on the Word.
Not just reading it, but thinking about scriptures throughout the day.
I hung them on my mirrors and spoke them out loud, commanding my thoughts and emotions to line up with the truth of God’s Word.
My feelings often try to convince me that God’s Word isn’t true, but the more I think on the Word the more His truth becomes real.
Praying without Ceasing.
1 Thessalonians 5:16 tells us to pray without ceasing because that is the will of God in Christ for us.
When we are praying throughout the day, especially in the hard ones, we are lining up with God’s will.
Putting ourselves in that position opens up the door for God to do exceedingly abundantly above all we can ask or imagine.
The impossible is made possible.
This week I was reading Tiffany’s post Why We Keep Choosing Faith. Like Tiffany, I can always believe for God to do the impossible in the lives of those around me, but when it comes to myself, it can be a bit harder to believe.
Tiffany shares her struggles with believing God in the hard times and how she copes with doubt.
She admits,
The truth is, time and again, I make God smaller than I should—so much smaller than He is. Why? Because cautious optimism is safer. Let’s face it, sometimes the impossible just feels too impossible…even for God.
Do you ever put God in a box? I know I do at times.
How do you handle these moments? In the dark times, when I struggle to believe, I go to His Word that is full of truth. There’s nothing like the Bible to build my faith and remind me of who God is.
Amen, God can do the impossible.