How to Build Your Faith
Faith is the confidence that what we hope for will actually happen; it gives us assurance about things we cannot see. Hebrews 11:1 NLT
When I thought about what could prepare our homes to be more Christ centered this Christmas, faith was one of the top things on the list.
So what exactly is faith?
It is defined as the complete trust or confidence in someone or something.
We all have faith in someone or something.
As Christians, our faith is in Christ and His finished work on the cross.
Living in Louisiana, most of us are Saints fans. Whether they are having a winning season or not, we still have faith that they will win each time they play. When you look around the stadium, there are signs all around that say:
If we didn’t still believe or have faith in them, the “Who Dat Nation” wouldn’t continue to root for them so passionately season after season. However, the faith that we have in them, doesn’t change the fact that they have bad seasons. We can still believe, but we may not see them produce the wins that we hope for.
This is not the case with Christ.
We can have faith and a hope in Him that will not let us down.
We can trust His promises will come to pass.
Let’s look at some people in the Bible whose faith in God was strong.
Abraham, known as the Father of Faith, believed that God was going to fulfill the promise of an heir through Sarah even though they were in their 90’s. Abraham had a complete trust in God.
The woman with the issue of blood was healed because of her faith. Although she had only heard of Jesus, she knew if she could just touch His robe, she would be healed. Her confidence was in Christ.
There are countless others, lepers, the blind, the diseased, who were healed because of their faith in Christ.
Faith is a powerful tool.
When our complete trust is in God, the impossible can happen. Miracles take place.
What are you believing for this Christmas? Do you have faith that it will come to pass? Let me assure you, we can hope in our Redeemer. He has great promises for us in His Word and His Word does not come back void.
Practical Tips on How to Build Your Faith:
How can we build our faith?
The Bible says that faith is built and developed in a person’s life by hearing the Word of God.
Below are three practical ways faith is built in my life:
Through the Word of God– Reading the Bible and confessing it out loud is one of the ways that I build my faith. As I hear God’s Word spoken through my mouth, I begin to feel my faith increasing.
Through my local Church– Like I’ve said in previous posts, we believe that the local church is the hope of the world! We believe that God designed us to grow in our faith under the teaching of the Word in a healthy local church. Our church offers CDs and podcasts of recent sermons. Find out if your church offers that and utilize them to build your faith!
Through my relationships- I simply love getting together with friends to find out what God is doing in their lives. My faith is built as I rejoice with them in all their victories. It gives me perspective on what God wants to do in my life.
Lord, we are so grateful we can trust in you. We pray as we hear and speak your Word that our faith would be increased. Help us to believe for the impossible. Lord, we praise you. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
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