Are your circumstances stealing your joy? Despite what we see and feel we can choose joy. And when we do, we will see just how powerful our choice can be!


  1. Thanks Alisa for sharing my words with your readers, what an honor to share how I found joy in the midst of my heartache and how it’s changed everything!

    1. I so appreciate you, Jill! Your authenticity and the truths you discovered were so valuable! I know this has helped many women to choose joy in the midst of the hard!

      1. Thanks Alisa! I love how God always uses all things for His good (Romans 8:28 is a favorite verse of mine). I pray He will continue to allow me to share His messages in my life. Thanks for the opportunity!

  2. I agree, joy is a choice and can be found even in the midst of great pain. You also gave me an amazing thought for the week ahead of me. It is easy to lose our role in the middle of caregiver. I do wear many hats but I think this week I am going to make sure I am being Mom, just mom..thank you for that reminder.

    1. Life is about seasons and priorities and yes, when we find those moments when we need to choose one over another or in a greater portion, that can bring us and others great joy! Thanks Maree Dee!

  3. Jill, I appreciate your honesty and vulnerability more than you know! My heart shattered when my dad died. Yet, as hard as that was, I can’t even imagine the sorrow when my mom dies. She’s 93 and the thought of losing her has terrified me for years. Your post brings me hope and reminds me that I won’t go through that time alone. “I knew then and even more fully now, how God was always present; speaking, acting, and moving me to seek and accept His joy.” Thank you for sharing this!

    1. Thanks Marlene-Even in the midst of the pain and heartache, I was always so aware of God’s presence with me and my family through it all. What a comfort in my hardest place to be able to find His joy. Thanks for your thoughts!

  4. So good, Jill. Just that mental shift of remembering it’s a choice makes all the difference, doesn’t it? And, it’s a such a worthy choice. Love your emphasis on the eternal aspect of joy and on joy being strengthened through prayer. Beautiful words today, friend, thanks for sharing. And, thank you Alicia for being a sweet host to Jill today. ((hug))

  5. Thank you for sharing your heart. To be thankful in the difficult times illustrates our trust in God. When we trust and believe, He will comfort us. I need to remind myself in the storms of life to remain steadfast and hold onto my joy. Thank you for the encouragement today!

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