Is shame keeping you from embracing the beautiful life God has for you? Here are a few things you can do to gain victory when overcoming shame of your past. #overcomingshame #shame #victory #overcome


  1. Thank you for posting Lori’s story, Alisa. I commented over at her site, but I’m glad I now learned about your site and your Overcome series. 🙂 Blessings and hugs to you!

  2. Amen, sister! Thank you for using your past brokenness to shine light into the broken places of those who suffer and need to call upon their redeemer to know whose they are, precious and loved and valued. Your testimony has touched my life and I know is touching many others.

    1. God is so good. He reached in and redeemed a broken me. I pray my testimony points to His unfailing love and forgiveness … and in turn, gives hope to many. Thank you, Val. Your words are such a kind blessing to me and I am so thankful that I could touch your life!

  3. Yes, Yes, Yes!! Lori your story is so beautifully intwined with His story over us! The fruit of God’s healing in you is so very evident, and I’m grateful for the beauty and freedom that shines through. I agree and have also experienced the truth that surrendering it ALL is so key to experiencing the fullness of God’s freedom. Thank you for sharing both the ashes and the beauty restored! So blessed friend:)

    1. Thank you so much, Crystal! Your words warm my heart! It does really take that full surrendering for full healing and freedom. We can heal the surface levels. We can incorporate strategies for successful living. But at our core, there remains the shame. The hurt. The broken. I pray that maybe my story can give hope to another who lives with that broken shame-filled place in their soul. And I pray they take the steps and meet Jesus all over again discovering His powerful love and redemption!

      Blessings and smiles … and great big hugs!

  4. A wonderful story of beauty for ashes and II corinthians 1 type comforting. shame is the insidious weapon that I forget about and when I do, I may heap it on others. like an infectious disease.
    perhaps that why Paul prayed in eph. 3 that we’d understand the extent of God’s love – it’s a lifetime prayer, it’s a love that covers all. Thank you , Lori and Alisa

  5. I’m so glad that Jesus sets me free.
    Thank you for bringing up this subject. I know I’ve felt shame before, and I think I’m pretty much healed, but there may well be some small tar pits of the stuff still stuck in the depths of my soul. I’m not sure, because now when people I love speak to me abusively, my reaction is anger with an underlying sadness in my soul. But I do not receive their accusations as words of truth. And I do try to stay as far away from the sharp end of their tongue as possible.

  6. Lori, I’m glad you kept going back to the Lord and that He showed you practical steps to become healed. God is for us, isn’t He? He wants us to be healed more than we do. Your testimony is a wonderful example of continuing to move forward as an overcomer. Thanks for sharing her story, Alisa!

  7. Thanks for sharing Lori’s story! Sometimes I have past hurts that haunt me like the same you shared. Every time it comes up I just have to say, “God, I have already given this to you, I thought I truly let go of it, but here it is again, please take it once more.” I am loving this series because it is showing me I am not alone in many of my struggles and it is encouraging to hear from others.

    1. I know what you mean, Kira! I’ve identified with so many of these testimonies! I love how God brings us together with others who have similar experiences for the purpose of comforting us. It’s nice to know we aren’t alone in our struggles! Thanks for joining us for the series!

  8. Thanks for sharing your story. It is so true that the evil one is always trying to remind us of past failures, when we should be focusing on our victories we have through Christ!

  9. What a great testimony. I absolutely loved when we understand our worth is far greater than any success. I think that is the part most of us struggle with. Stopping by from By His Grace Bloggers and Pinned to share with our Living Our Priorities community.

  10. I just started reading Shame Interrupted and wow, it is so eye opening to see how much I deal with shame on a daily basis. Thank you so much for your vulnerability and reminder that God accepts us and loves us deeply.

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