How to Walk in the Light When Your Surrounded by Darkness
The shades were closed, the curtains were drawn together….not a hint of light shown into my bedroom. As I got out of my bed and proceeded toward the bathroom, I couldn’t see the suitcase my husband had left in the middle of the floor upon his return from S Africa earlier that evening.
But seconds later, I felt the pain from it.
My toe jammed into the hard plastic wheels and my shin scraped across the top covering.
After the shock of the collision, I figured it would be a good idea to turn the closet light on and crack the door….just in case I had to get up again.
It’s amazing how just a small amount of light can penetrate the darkness.
I find in difficult times it’s hard to walk in the light because we can’t see past the darkness…the pain, the hurt, the frustration.
When overcome by life’s hardships, I tend to battle the darkness the best I can, meanwhile looking all around for a tiny ray of light to give me hope for a resolution to whatever it is I’m struggling with.
Because I know if I find a small glimpse of hope in the darkest of times, it can completely change my perspective.
After years of battling fear, doubt, worry and anxiety, I realized the One place I could find hope.

How to Walk in the Light When You’re Surrounded by Darkness
Remember You are Not Alone
Although we may feel alone in hard times, God promises to be with us. He is the reason we can walk in the light. One of my favorite Psalms shows God’s guidance for his people during the valleys…
The Lord is my shepherd; I have all that I need. He lets me rest in green meadows; he leads me beside peaceful streams. He renews my strength. He guides me along right paths, bringing honor to his name. Even when I walk through the darkest valley, I will not be afraid, for you are close beside me. Your rod and your staff protect and comfort me.
Psalm 23:1-4 NLT
Did you catch that? He is our Shepherd.
He guides us through the hard times.
Even when we feel alone, we can rest in the fact that He is leading us from a place of victory. He knows the end from the beginning and knows the direction we need to go.
And when our souls get weary, He gently leads us into rest.
In the hard times it may seem like we won’t make it.
It may feel like our only option is to give up.
But I love this part of the verse…. I walk through the valley of the shadow of death. The key here is that we are walking.
Not stopping, not giving up, but moving forward. And even though it feels like death is near, we know it’s just a shadow.
And where there is a shadow, there must be light.
That is what we have to focus on… to walk in the Light. When we keep our eyes on Jesus, we can be confident we’ll come out victorious.
Claim God’s Promises
Life’s difficulties can overwhelm us, making it hard to see the goodness of God. We begin to wonder if His promises are really meant for us. Here are 3 promises I like to claim when I feel overcome with problems:
- He works ALL things out for our good
And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them. Romans 8:28 NLT
Declaration: God works all things out for my good, because I love Him and I’m called according to His purpose. He is watching over me every step of the way, and giving me wisdom to overcome every obstacle I face. I am confident in His love for me and His ability to care for me. I will come out of this stronger and better because my God covers me!
- He will FIGHT for you
The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still. Exodus 14:14 NIV
Declaration: I will be strong and courageous in all that I do, because the Lord fights my battles. While I wait on Him, I will be still and rest in His truth. I refuse to believe any lies of defeat. When those thoughts come my way, I will take them captive and make them obedient to Christ. I have the mind of Christ; therefore, my thoughts line up with His Word. I have everything I need to overcome my battles. My God will supply all of my needs according to His riches and glory!
- He will give me STRENGTH
He gives power to the weak and strength to the powerless. Isaiah 40:29 NLT
Declaration: God is giving me the power and strength to defeat every foe that comes my way. Where I am weak, He is strong. I stand firm on His Word and His promises for me. My mind is focused on the truth of who He is and who He says I am. I am a daughter of the King, chosen, anointed to fulfill my purpose in this life. I will confidently walk through any trial knowing, I already have the victory!
Surround Yourself with Godly Women
A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer. Three are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken. Ecclesiastes 4:12 NLT
It’s not easy walking through valleys alone. What an accurate picture this scripture demonstrates of the difference it makes to have people to walk through hard times with!
I have totally tried doing it alone.
I wanted to protect myself from what others would think. However, in the end I felt more isolated and alone than protected.
THAT is the enemy’s plan for us. To isolate us.
When we isolate, he can convince us of our lack of worth…. our lack of purpose.
The lies flood in and it becomes harder to see the truth.
But that doesn’t have to be our story.
God has a better plan. He has knit us into His family…the local church to walk with us in these dark times.
You may be thinking….NO WAY, I’ve tried that and I got hurt.
PLEASE don’t let that stop you. Pray and ask God to show you who to connect with. Ask Him to open up doors that no man can close! When you get into relationship with godly women, you’ll begin to experience the fruit of community.
Friend, are you in a dark place?
I want to encourage you….you can walk in the Light! Jesus has everything you need. He can heal every hurt, calm every fear, and do the impossible in any situation.
Today I’m sharing a featured post for the Salt & Light linkup FB group by Heather Chapman on How God’s Light Chases Away Fear. When darkness come, fear can ensue…but God’s light casts out all fear! You’ll love this practical and encouraging post!

Thank you for this blog post because it contains so many valuable keys on how to deal with fear. Thank you for reminding us that we have to walk with God in prayer and by standing on His Word and then ask Him to show us the right people to connect with. Thank you once again because it has been a word in due season.
Light surely is so powerful–pushing back the darkness in our lives in amazing ways, Alisa! Thank you for these very inspiring truths that are made even more vivid by the Scriptures that they sprung from. I’ll be pinning, because I know this will encourage many who feel the darkness pressing in on them.
Great truth! I love the declarations of God’s promises. He is my Strength. You need light to have a shadow, love that! And yes, although I have been hurt by people in the church, it is still important to our spiritual growth. Many thanks!
I know stumbling around in the dark feeling, so glad we have the light of the world.
One thing I have always thought about was all that you have stated. I use to be afraid of the dark, and I see that fear in my children. However when I leave the closet light on and crack the door a bit the darkness wasn’t so scary. Even a little bit of the light that was shinning through a rather small crack made the whole room brighter and no so scary for them. I used this example for my oldest son who can understand a little bit better , that is exactly what God does he shines even when things are at its darkest. He gives hope to the person wondering and scared of the dark.
Thank you so much for the reminder of this! I will be sharing this with my life group next meeting!
I relate to this post in so many ways. Praising God for the light of knowing hope even when darkness surrounds us.
Your neighbor Salt and Light,
This reminder is so beautiful. I never thought of how just a small amount of light changes things. I always think that I need big changes in mentality but all I need is a little light.