Does family time leave you worn out and exhausted? Perhaps a little structure is all you need! Here are tips on how to have a successful family time.


  1. I love that you not only read through the scriptures but also apply it! I grew up in a family that did nightly devotional times with Bible readings, singing a hymn, and praying together, but we missed out on the application piece of it that I think is so important because it keeps the Bible passages from just being a stories or a to-do list that can lead to legalism. Seeing overarching themes in the Bible and how they apply to each person individually helps the Bible come alive, and that is such a blessing to have within a family. Awesome post!!

    1. Thanks Elena! I agree. You hit the nail on the head when you said it keeps the passages from just being Bible stories. I want my kids to not just know the people and stories, but to learn from them! Thanks for reading today!

  2. Family time is so important. When my sons were younger we made sure we had dinner together but we didn’t gather to read, discuss and learn from God’s word. We were in a different place with our faith journey at that time. I love reading how you make this a priority and have developed a system for making the most of your time together. Thank you for sharing. Blessed to be your neighbor at Messy Marriage today.

    1. Mary, we didn’t do it with our boys when they were younger. As you said, we were in a different place with our faith as well. I’m just believing that even though they didn’t get what the girls are getting, that God will supernatural make up for what we lacked in giving them! Thanks for stopping by today! Have a great week!

  3. Just this last week, I shared with The Salesman what an impression seeing my aunt and uncle kneel at their bedside each night to pray made upon my young heart. Like you, the impact still lingers in my adult heart as I picture them in the position of prayer.

    Your three step process is a great plan for family night! I especially like the application part – where the rubber meets the road!

    Bless you!

    1. Lora, it really is amazing what sticks in the hearts and minds of young children. What incredible role models your aunt & uncle were and they probably didn’t even realize it! Thank you for your kind words today! Have a blessed week!

  4. Family time is SO important! It’s hard to get us altogether (we are a family of 10!), but we are always glad when we do. My eldest son just turned 18 and is leaving home next month. They’re gone so quickly! Our family time will never be quite the same again.

    1. Elizabeth, wow! I thought we were a big family with 7! How wonderfully full your house will be with grandkids! My oldest will be 18 in just a few weeks! How does it go by so fast? I’ve thought about how the dynamics will change. Not entirely ready for that yet! Thanks for stopping by today. Praying for you and your family as you come into a new season!

  5. Alisa, thanks for the insider view into your family and how you do family time. Our kids love to have time together as a family, although we don’t do it as much as I would like. Reading your post has encouraged me to make this a priority for our family and be more consistent with it. Do you do this on a weekly basis? And do you have a specific night of the week?
    We tend to alternate “Devotional Time” (bible reading, application and prayer) with a “Family Night” which might include games or a movie together. For us, these are great ways to bond and build lasting memories.

    1. Hey Marva! My kids love it too! It’s very hard to find something the whole family wants to do because my kids are so far apart in ages. However, we do take walks on the lakefront, go to dinner and make desserts together! Realistically we like to do it 3 x a week, but usually it ends up 2x a week due to sports schedules for all the kids. I love the movie idea! Any suggestions for movies for a family with 18 down to 6 yr olds is greatly appreciated! Thanks for visiting today! Have a great weekend

      1. You’re my hero, Alisa! I have a hard time getting in one family time a week, I can’t imagine 2-3! I wish I had movie recommendations — trying to get a 10 year old boy to agree with an 8 year old girl poses it’s own set of challenges. If my daughter had her way, we’d watch princess shows every time. Let’s keep making an effort and we’ll get there!
        Enjoy your weekend!

  6. I don’t have kids, but this is a good outline for how to spend time in the Word with my husband, too. Thanks for sharing what’s worked for your family and the reminder about how very important it is!

  7. This is such an important thing no matter how it is structured. The key is that it is a priority and it seems every year it can get harder for so many reasons. It gets harder as the kids get older with activities and homework. It also get harder with sports, church commitments and activities, etc., but as a grandmother of six and a retired clinical counselor and marriage and family therapist I can say “Amen” to what you have shared on this topic many times over. Happy to be visiting at the linkup at Soul Survival.

  8. LOVE this, Alisa! We can’t place enough value on the family unit spending time together and sharing God’s Word. Our time looks a little different. Because our little boy struggles to actually sit and eat while we are at the table (he wants to be up and active instead), we put together a set of scripture cards and we work on memorizing a verse together during dinner. Then, before bedtime we share our three P’s – praise, prayer, pillow. (Pillow just means we go to bed now.) 🙂 This makes our Bible and Prayer time a little broken up, but for now it seems to be working best for our little guy. Thank you for sharing your family’s process. I love hearing how others do family time, as well. Blessings to you, dear friend!

  9. Excited to have this one linked up this week to Open Mic Monday for the soul at Cisneros Cafe. I loved it when I read it and am hoping it helps other families as well. Have a blessed week, Alisa! 😀

  10. I love the structure of your family time. I insist on us having something similar, but not quite as structured. Ours revolves around family dinners. We share stories from the day and we try to draw out a spiritual lesson from the things that happen every day. I’m a firm believer that God is (as Ephesians says ) “over all, through all and in all” We can find Him in everything if we look hard enough! Thanks for sharing!

    1. Yes!! So true Karen! I love that y’all do it around dinners! We actually do that sometimes as well. But with all of our kids, if we don’t scheduled structured time, there’s a chance it won’t happen! Thanks for reading today! Have a blessed week!

  11. Some great ideas here! We have a 2.5 year old and another arriving in 7 weeks, and we’re trying to figure out what this looks like for us. Mainly we have just been trying to pray together in the mornings or at night and share communion together as a family.
    Last year I interviewed 3 families that I’ve worked with in the past about how they teach their kids about God. It was very interesting, I hope you don’t mind me sharing the link.

  12. This is an awesome way to have family time! Dinner time and family time are so important in my house as well. I love that you take turns reading from the Bible because you can get very different things from listening and from reading the Word. I will definitely have to share this idea with my husband.

    1. It’s the same for us too, Ayanna! We have to be intentional with all these kids! It’s so nice to have is all sit down together to visit and share time in the Word! Blessed my soul!!

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