How to Enter His Gates with Thanksgiving
Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name. Psalm 100:4
Do you find yourself rushing through the holiday season? I know, me too.
It seems as soon as October hits, my calendar begins filling and my life begins to lack margin.
The hustle and bustle of the season rushes me from one holiday to the next without completely enjoying the one I’m in.
Even the stores participate.
Their displays of Christmas trees and lights in early October beckon me to get into the “Christmas spirit”, when I haven’t even gotten into the “Thanksgiving spirit”.
This year I wanted to slow down and actually enjoy Thanksgiving.
Not as the day before Black Friday, or the holiday that leads into Christmas, but really focus on being thankful for all that God has done.
To gain the heart of gratitude.
Sounds wonderful, doesn’t it? The idea of slowing down and actually living out the reason we celebrate?
As I searched the scriptures looking for Thanksgiving verses, I came across Psalm 100:4.
This has always been one of my favorites.
But as I reread this scripture, there was a freshness I saw; a nugget in there that God wanted me to take in.
Something that would draw me into a deeper relationship with Him and a greater appreciation for Him.
Let me share with you what I saw….
How to Enter His Gates with Thanksgiving

We Enter His gates with Thanksgiving…..
The word for gates here according to Strong’s Hebrew Lexicon is the word sha`ar. It refers to an entrance to a city, marketplace or public meeting place. (Think big and open)
And His courts with praise…..
The word for courts here according to Strong’s Hebrew Lexicon is the word chatser. It is used to refer to an enclosure or a settled abode. (Think small and intimate)
What did I learn?
When we give thanks to God for all He’s done we enter into heaven’s gates. And when we praise His name for who He is, we enter into His inner court.
This is where I want my family to go…..from the outer gate to the inner courts.
I believe that when we enter into His gates with thanksgiving, it prepares the soil of our hearts to praise His name.
I long for us to dwell in His secret place, knowing Him more intimately.
But I can assure you, this does not happen without intentionality.
We will have to plan and work for it.
Everything around us will be screaming for our attention. Without a plan in place, we will succumb to those calls.
But friend, can I share a secret with you?
I’ve created a journal that me and my family will be using throughout the holiday season
The purpose of the journal is to lead us into the heart of gratitude that we desperately seek.
It’s aimed at preparing our hearts to praise His name and draw us into that inner court.
I’d love for you to join us on this journey.
You see, I don’t just want my immediate family to experience God in this way, I want my extended family, you beautiful ladies, to draw into Him as well.
I’ve had moments in those inner courts, and I long to experience them more often.
There’s nothing that soothes my soul and slows down the rushing like a private praise session with the King.
So what do you think?
Are you ready to prepare your heart for Thanksgiving (& Christmas too)? Me too! To grab your Gratitude Journal, simply click the link below:
l love this beautiful resource and your heart for the Lord. Visiting from #searchingformoments today 🙂
Thanks, Angela! ❤️
Alisa, what powerful insights into this beautiful scripture! I love the idea of entering the wide gates of heaven with thanksgiving, and praising our way through the intimate, inner courts of intimacy with our Father. Thanks so much for sharing! Can’t wait to use your awesome Thanksgiving journal with my family. Blessings to you this holiday season!
Thanks, Christin! I’m excited too! Have a wonderful holiday season! ❤️❤️❤️
Fantastic posts, beautiful words & I love that you have given us insights into what you have taken from it.
Thanks, Sarah! ❤️
Thanks, Alisa, for these wise words. I’m working on Psalm 100 this month with my Sunday School kids, gaining a heart of gratitude through the truth of His written Word!
Thanks, Michele! I love that your teaching them these truths! The Psalms are full of the verses that reflect the character of God. I’m sure they are learning some beautiful truths.
Beautifully written. Timely Message. Fantastic Resource. Hugs to you, friend!
Thanks, Sarah! ❤️
“…when we enter into His gates with thanksgiving, it prepares the soil of our hearts to praise His name.” What a great explanation of the difference between thanksgiving and praise! Thank you for this nugget of wisdom! Looking forward to celebrating the season with my Thanksgiving Journal! All blessings to you, my dear friend!
Thanks, Leigh Ellen! ❤️❤️❤️
Psalm 100 is one of my favorites! I, too, want to learn to be more grateful, to slow down and savor the blessings of each season. Thank you for your encouraging words today. Blessings to you! I’m your neighbor at #TellHisStory
Hey friend! Loved this so much and loved the journal, too! I’m so thrilled to share this as a featured #MomentsofHope post this week!
Gratitude and the inner courts – a beautifully inspiring vision. Thank you, my friend, for blessing me today♥
Awww, thank you Lori! I’m honored that you selected that post as a feature. Blessings to you this Thanksgiving sweet friend! ❤️
Alisa- Great post! I want to enter into the inner courts. I’m going to print this off and use it this year with my family!
Thank you!
That’s awesome, Julie! I’m so glad you can use it! I pray it blesses you and your family! ❤️
I love how the word study bring a whole new dimension to that verse. Thank you for sharing.
Yes, Kelli! I agree. I love digging into the meanings of the words! Thanks for visiting. Have a great day!
I love this verse and the way you opened it up for us! Thank you!
This is great, Alisa! Thank you!
We surely do have to prepare Him room.