3 Reminders When Doubt Seeks to Steal Your Dreams
Have you ever let doubt steal your dreams?
Uh-hmm…. I’m quietly raising my hand right now and slightly blushing.
Why the blushing? It happened just this week.
I’ve had some dreams in my heart for quite a while, but the timing hasn’t been right. Yet over the past few weeks, I’ve had several confirmations that the time has come to set goals and actions to these dreams.
The only problem was that I wasn’t quite sure how to accomplish them.
While I clearly knew my destination, I wasn’t sure how to get there.
That’s what a good coach is there for—to help you see the path from where you are to where you want to go.
Since I am blessed to have an Executive Business Coach for a husband, I squeezed myself into his tight schedule and set a strategic planning session.
We spent two hours processing through my goals and working out the details.
God ideas began to emerge and I had the foundation I was seeking.
He prayed for me, encouraged me and sent me off with definitive action items to work on.
I felt amazing!
Yet that excitement began to wain as I put those actions to work.
I began questioning everything I had arrived at only a few hours before.
What if I failed? What if I’m not equipped to do this?
I started not only questioning my abilities but my character.
What kind of person gives up only hours after setting the plan?
Doubt began wiggling its way into my thoughts and feelings, leaving me unable to move forward.
Doubt is a cousin to fear.
It seeks to squash the passionate flame that God sets inside of us.
And it will succeed if we aren’t prepared to battle it.

3 Reminders When Doubt Seeks To Steal Your Dreams
If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you. But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. James 1:5-6 NIV
Speak Truth to Doubt
The next morning I was still feeling insecure in my abilities and the goals I had set. I opened my Bible hoping to find some encouragement for the unsettled feeling that lingered in my soul.
The moment my eyes landed on this word, I realized that doubt was the culprit for my distress.
I had opened the door, inviting it in by meditating on the question: What if I fail?
Yet when I began reading the Word, it exposed lies and revealed truth that set me free. I was encouraged to believe and not doubt.
The truth is….
My husband and I had prayed before we began our session.
We sought God and His wisdom for this plan.
He showed up and gave us what we needed.
I had to speak truth to doubt and tell it what God’s Word says.
Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, Ephesians 3:20 NKJV
Keep God in the Equation
When we focus on our own abilities, we can open the door for doubt to come in. Rather than looking at what God could do, I was fixated on what I could do.
I left God out of the equation.
Focusing inward instead of upward, causes us to lose sight of God’s plan.
The enemy continually tries to convince us that we can’t do it, we aren’t good enough or strong enough, and that we will fail. And all of these things could be true, without God.
With God all things are possible. Where we are weak, He is strong. We are victorious in Him.
When the enemy uses doubt to try to squash our dreams, we can remind him who our God is.
Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. Philippians 3:13-14 NIV
Let Go of Past Failures
Leaving the past behind is crucial to accomplishing our dreams and walking in our purpose.
When doubt crept in earlier this week, all kinds of “strongholds” from past experiences came rushing to the forefront of my mind.
Fear of failure.
All of these things are potential hindrances to me walking out my purpose.
My past doesn’t determine my future.
I can choose to let go of the things from my past and walk confidently in the future that God has for me.
If I fail? I get back up.
The godly may trip seven times, but they will get up again. Proverbs 24:16 NLT
If I’m uncertain of what’s to come? He knows the end from the beginning.
Only I can tell you the future before it even happens. Everything I plan will come to pass, for I do whatever I wish. Isaiah 46:10 NLT
If I’m afraid? He is with me.
“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9 NIV
Sometimes we have to just let go of the past and trust in God. He is more than capable of fulfilling our dreams.
Is there something you need to let go of today? Are there lies that are holding you back from your moving toward your dreams? Be bold, friend. God is with you! Whatever He’s placed in your heart, He is faithful to fulfill if you let Him. Step out and follow His lead.
I’m so proud of you! I’m so excited to see where God is leading you.
What a blessing to have a supportive husband who has your best at heart and who is gently guiding you in finding your way through what you should do, and also leading you in God’s truth!
Praying for you and your ministry! Much love!!
Thank you, friend! It’s not always easy to step out! There’s always resistance. But, I know if God is calling me to do it, He will get me through it! Thank you for being an encourager and a cheerleader along the way! You are simply awesome!
You go, Alisa! I love the new look of your site. Good job! And I really needed to read this today. I’m working on a 8-9 page Devotional Bible study guide for subscribers. Feel SO like I don’t know what I’m doing, but you’re reminded me God is calling me, and I need to keep Him in the equation!
Thanks, Betsy! Congratulations on your bible study guide! I know it will be a valuable resource. With blogging I feel like there are so many of these moments where I have no clue what I’m doing! Keeping God in the equation is becoming a habitual practice through all of this!
This is such a great reminder that we don’t have to let doubt win! We can speak truth to it! Great post!
Thanks, Lauren!
Such great encouragement, Alisa. I’m in a bit of a “how do I get there” season, and I too am finding that clinging to truth and remembering that I don’t move ahead in my strength, but in God’s, has been such comfort. He is able – and He makes me able. Thank you for sharing your heart today.
God gives us dreams – He plants them in our hearts. So, it is ‘funny’ how we doubt these dreams when He is the giver of dreams. I look forward to hearing more about what your dream is, Alisa! Thanks for sharing on Grace and Truth.
Yep, very true! It’s easy to forget where the dream came from, isn’t it? Thanks for stopping by, Aimee!
I needed this. Especially liked.
It seeks to squash the passionate flame that God sets inside of us.
And it will succeed if we aren’t prepared to battle it.
I need to work on preparation!
(Visiting from Crystal Twadell’s linky)