Have you ever considered achieving goals with a monthly bible reading plan? Join us as we dig in the Word and accomplish goals along the way. #freeprintable #goalsetting #goals #monthlybiblereadingplan


  1. Fantastic! What a great idea- making goals more than a “wish with a plan” and actually incorporating scripture (which has way more power than our own self will!) Awesome, Alisa!

  2. I signed up for the monthly Bible reading. I received January and February, but have not received March. Is there somewhere I can get it to download?

      1. Hi Alisa,

        I still haven’t received anything. Do you have the ability to re-send it to me or sign me up again so I receive them going forward?

        1. That is so bizarre! I resent it right after you told me. Let me look and make sure your address is showing up in my email system.

  3. Is there a place where I can download the August bible reading plan? I just subscribed to receive the July one, and have really been enjoying it, but can’t find the August one?!

  4. Alisa, I work for Happily Parenting in South Carolina, and we’re conducting an 8-week marriage series next month at a local church. Could we include your wonderful marriage scripture guide in our folder for each attendee? Thanks so much–this would be perfect! –Andrea Fuller, Happily Parenting (www.happilyparenting.com)

  5. i just signed up for the monthly reading plan and haven’t received anything.

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