3 Simple but Powerful Back to School Prayers
Can you believe it’s time for back to school already?
As the summer comes to a close, we are preparing for a new chapter in our home.
With 2 boys in college, 2 girls in high school and 1 girl in jr high, I can’t even imagine them going back to school without being covered in prayer.
Not only do they need it, but I need it.
As I pray for my kids, I lay down all my worries and expectations at the feet of Jesus.
Praying helps me to let go of what I can’t control and seek Him for direction on how to guide each of these beautiful humans He’s given me to steward over.
Here are some areas that I’m praying over this year…maybe they will help you too!
3 Powerful Prayers for Back to School
Prayer for Protection
For the angel of the Lord is a guard;
he surrounds and defends all who fear him. Psalm 34:7 NLT
This year will be full of new adventures for each of my children. As they plunge through the year, I want to pray protection, not just over them physically, but over their mind, heart and emotions as well. Starting a new year can come with great excitement, but also worries and doubts. I want them to be fully covered as they head back to school!
Thank you, Lord, for Your divine protection over our children. Keep them safe as they travel to and from school. Protect them from any physical harm while they are in school. I stand on Your Word that no weapon formed against them will prosper. I thank you that Your angels stand guard over them and surround them like a shield. Guard their hearts and minds as they step out to meet new friends. Let negative words or comments, roll off them and not take root in their souls. Cover them as they navigate this new school year and guide them in the right direction. In Jesus’ name, Amen!

Prayer for Relationships at School
Walk with the wise and become wise; associate with fools and get in trouble. Proverbs 13:20 NLT
Everyone must submit to governing authorities. For all authority comes from God, and those in positions of authority have been placed there by God. Romans 13:1 NLT
Relationships can either enhance a school experience or crush it. I’ve experienced both sides with my different children. This year I want to be proactive and begin praying for my kids’ school relationships, not just with classmates, but with teachers as well!
Father, I thank you for the gift of friendships. I thank you that You’ve wired each of my children uniquely different to satisfy your purpose for them. Let that beauty shine as they head back to school and engage with others. Help others to see the good in them and help them to see the good in others. Father steer them to the relationships you want them to be in and protect them from the ones that could hurt them. Help me to guide them and teach them what it means to be a friend. Lord, I pray that they are placed with the right teachers who will walk in understanding with them, but also challenge them to be their best. In Jesus’ name, Amen!

Prayer for Good Work Ethic this School Year
Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving. Colossians 3:23-24 NLT
The longer my kids are in school the more I notice them wanting to slack off and not really do their best….especially near the holidays or breaks. This year I want to pray for my kids to really push through in this area. I want to see them breakthrough the barriers and work hard to achieve what God’s placed in their hearts, rather than give up because things get hard. As they head back to school, I want to see them start off strong and full of confidence in the Lord!
Lord, thank You that You are equipping my children to learn this year and work hard, not just for grades, but because they desire to please You. Father help them in the times when they feel tired and weary. Help me to encourage them and lift them up, but also help them to push through when necessary. I pray above all else this year that they would begin to understand that the work they do is to glorify You. In Jesus’ name, Amen!

Do you want more prayers for your kids this school year? In my post 10 Promising Prayers to Start the New School Year, you’ll not only find additional prayers and scriptures, but FREE Printable Bookmarks with the prayers on topics like provision, wisdom, understanding and confidence for the school year!
Head over to the Promising Prayers Post to grab yours!
And if you’re looking for a great way to prepare your child’s heart for the school year, this weeks feature is sure to help! In her post, 3 Simple Ways to Prepare Your Child’s Heart for a New School Year, Mamie shares scriptures, prayers and biblical truths to help your child get ready for back to school!
She says,
With all the hustle and bustle of a coming new school year, we can spend more time preparing supplies than we do preparing the hearts of our children. Whether your little one is stepping in the halls for the first time as a kindergartener or stepping into the new world of high school, we can intentionally choose to pour in their hearts.
I couldn’t agree more! We get so caught up in gathering the supplies that we often forget to prepare their hearts…especially for the older ones! This can be a time of transition and stepping out for them, which can cause nervousness and stress. What better way to prepare them than through prayer and scriptures?
Great prayers for sure no matter what the age of our kids! I especially like how you use Scripture as the basis for your prayers. Such a powerful weapon at our disposal. Thanks for getting us into a proactive, biblical mindset as we enter August.
I absolutely love that you have the prayers written out. Makes it so much easier on a busy morning to just pray something prewritten. I will pin and come back to this over and over!
Leave a comment…kids need prayers to be great and function well in tgeir classrooms.thank for this special prayers for kids.
What a wonderful way to reach put to God. May the Lord increase you more znd more in Jesus name.
Spiritual warfare praying for our children today in South African Schools is extremely, significantly important. As I would think to all countries. We need daily to suit up with the Armour of God in Ephesians 6 and we need to ask the Lord to grant both us as parents and our children a discernment of spirit. Our children need to know and understand how the enemy works. I particularly find it hard with my 13 year old son. Boundaries are pushed testosterone levels with impatience and irritation are very high and the need to become valid and heard is also a challenging aspect. Disrespect and arrogance is also popping up. And challenging God’s word no longer having fear for the word is my greatest concern. Any pin point prayers for this please. Furthermore I absolutely love your prayers. Thank you!