mom and daughter walking back to school prayers


  1. Great prayers for sure no matter what the age of our kids! I especially like how you use Scripture as the basis for your prayers. Such a powerful weapon at our disposal. Thanks for getting us into a proactive, biblical mindset as we enter August.

  2. I absolutely love that you have the prayers written out. Makes it so much easier on a busy morning to just pray something prewritten. I will pin and come back to this over and over!

  3. Leave a comment…kids need prayers to be great and function well in tgeir classrooms.thank for this special prayers for kids.

  4. What a wonderful way to reach put to God. May the Lord increase you more znd more in Jesus name.

  5. Spiritual warfare praying for our children today in South African Schools is extremely, significantly important. As I would think to all countries. We need daily to suit up with the Armour of God in Ephesians 6 and we need to ask the Lord to grant both us as parents and our children a discernment of spirit. Our children need to know and understand how the enemy works. I particularly find it hard with my 13 year old son. Boundaries are pushed testosterone levels with impatience and irritation are very high and the need to become valid and heard is also a challenging aspect. Disrespect and arrogance is also popping up. And challenging God’s word no longer having fear for the word is my greatest concern. Any pin point prayers for this please. Furthermore I absolutely love your prayers. Thank you!

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