Do you want to build a strong marriage? Many times we want to invest in our marriage, but we aren't sure what to do. Here are 4 simple ways you can build a strong marriage that will last a lifetime. #marriage #marriedlife #freeprintable #married #together


  1. So good! Your prayer brought me to tears as I spoke it aloud. Amen, LORD, may it be so in my marriage! Pinned to my messy marriage board! Blessings!

  2. We have an empty-ing nest, and are on high alert right now because we know that this season is a danger zone for our marriage. So . . . yesterday, with all the kids busy and elsewhere, we took ourselves out to dinner for our anniversary ( a week early, but there’s a college graduation next week, so . . .).
    We’re reading through the Bible together out loud, and this is our third year to take on this wonderful challenge. We have to be in the same zip code to read together, and the reading gives us lots to talk about and think about together.

    1. I love that Michele!!! Be intentional during this season is so important!!! I love that y’all read together. We are still trying to figure out how we play together, since we’re finally coming out of the intense toddler/ little ones phase!

  3. Amen on so many fronts, Alisa! My husband and I began to intentionally pray together daily about 8 years ago and it has made such a huge difference in our marriage. And I love the idea of praying for my husband as I do certain tasks for him in my day. Great words of insight and advice! I’ve pinned and tweeted, my friend!

    1. Thanks, Beth! It does make such a difference praying together with your spouse! One big reason I’ve found is that it gets us on the same page! Thanks for sharing!

  4. What a beautiful post-Alisa! I should thank you for teaching me the power of proclaiming God’s word on our situations, marriage, and so on.

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