Have you been feeling stuck? You know you should be doing something but you're not sure what? Here are things to consider to walk in your purpose.


  1. Thank you for your transparency and honesty in this post Alisa. I love the truths you share on trusting God’s plan. One of my favorite verses in the Bible is Prov. 3:5-6. Not only does God state for us to trust Him, but to not lean on our own understanding. Our view is so limited when it comes to our future. However, God has the complete blueprint for our lives. His plan and purpose for us is beyond our comprehension. I will be excited to read how He continues to bless you on your journey. Have an amazing weekend and may God continue to bless you and yours.

    1. Thanks, Horace! I love how you said our view is limited. We only see in part, but God sees from the end to the beginning. He knows what’s best for us. This is a something I constantly need to be reminded of!

      1. I find this reading exactly what I needed . To be completely honest I feel like it was purpose for me to sit and res to comprehend and not rush through take my time to feel the words written . Alisa you really hit home . Thank you for the eye opener to continue to trust god the journey is never easy but when you trust god with everything you are you can not fold .

  2. Thanks, Alisa. Needed to read this today! My main frustration is that I’m a want to see the big picture kind of person and God doesn’t always lay it all out. I like to plan. I try making plans and they don’t happen or God will only give me a step or two ahead. Like you said, we need to lay down our plans. It boils down to trusting Him. Oh, wait, that’s my OneWord this year. Trust. Go figure. 😉

    1. I’m the same way, Kelly!! I want to know the whole process, exactly the way it’s going to work out. But God keeps reminding me that doesn’t take faith. Learning to trust in Him and lay down my plans as well. Praying that God keeps showing us the next steps!! Have a wonderful weekend.

  3. This is such a great post. I have also found that as soon as I am willing to let go of my own plans, the Lord makes way for a better one. I also really appreciate how you expressed the idea of identity and purpose being different. Our identity as children of God does not waver or change with the seasons of life as can what we are called to do in each season. Thank you for this!

    1. I think that has been the biggest aha moment for me, Marielle. My identity is rooted in Christ, not in what He calls me to do. Everything that furthers His kingdom is important!

  4. I find myself struggling with what God has for me to do for Him in my life, and when I look up and allow Him to pull me from the mire of self pity, I realize that the purpose He has for me is to honor and worship Him with my life, teaching and telling others, everyone, about Him and what Jesus did for us all on the cross. To God be the glory! I am visiting you today from Testimony Tuesday link up

    1. That’s awesome, Jennifer! I always found myself in that same place of looking for my purpose in what I do. That always brought me to frustration. When I finally looked up instead of in, I found my purpose for the season I was in. Thanks for reading today!

  5. Fantastic post! I agree that letting go of our plans is so difficult but essential if we want to walk in a greater purpose. Once we know that purpose however, the wait is well worth it. Thank you for sharing.

  6. Alisa,I love this! And I can just imagine God shaking his head at me doing the same thing you did … running around trying to find others who will validate my opinion. I’m sharing this with all my purpose-seeking friends. Thank you!

  7. Alisa! I love this post, and yes to separating our “who” from our “do.” I also tend to take on my do behind my name: Betsy-WriterMom. You have some great wisdom here!

  8. Blessed and blessed through your words today. Thank you. I have a similar story that God is using to move me from “position to purpose.” Thanks for your encouragement.

  9. Letting go of MY plans is the hard part, but learning to live with open hands to release and also to receive what God has is much more fulfilling than what I could create myself. Great thoughts! Thank you! <3

  10. Thank you for the encouragement! I struggle with clarity in finding my purpose and this is much needed wisdom to my soul!

  11. Thank you so much for this post. I am in a season where carrying out my purpose is about to change. I am scared, unsure, and tired of the waiting. Thi post so encouraged my heart at this season of my life. Thank you so much. I’m so glad I found you on Facebook. I love how God connects His people!

    1. Transition seasons can be difficult! The waiting and uncertainty can drive us to move forward, rather than wait patiently on the Father’s guidance. But there’s so much that takes place in the waiting! Im praying that during this time, He would speak to your heart and give you the next steps in your journey! I’m grateful to have you visit today, Erika!

  12. Thank you for your transparency, Alisa. It is so hard to let go of something we’ve built for a very long time, so that God can lead us to a new calling and endeavor. My hubby and I are in that stage right now and as excited as we are to go wherever God leads, it’s equally daunting to let go of what is comfortable and familiar. So your words are an encouragement to me! I’ll be pinning this great post!

  13. Alisa, thank you for sharing this great post. I was just having this conversation with my husband a few days ago. We allow our purpose to define who we are and we can get lost in that. I see my husband’s struggle in this area and I was so encouraged by your post. I had the privilege of sharing your post with him. Thank you so much for this!

  14. Great reminders on purpose today lady! I think so many seasons of our life have us evaluating our God-given talents and reason for existence. My heart needed this reminder today too! 🙂

  15. Love this post! Thank you for sharing, Alisa.
    This is a very timely read for me as I have just stepped out of almost everything that I have been doing for a very long time.
    I am excited to see what God reveals in the waiting!

  16. It sure seems like God’s favorite word is WAIT. And there sure is a lot of growth we do while we wait. Thanks for encouragement in this area.

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