Are you surrounded by clutter in your life? Is your peace crowded out by stuff? Here are a few tips on How to Declutter Your Life.


  1. Love these tips! I always try to “purge” all the unnecessary during the spring time, and it really helps (like you said) to do things one room at a time. There’s no sense in doing a complete overhaul just to be overwhelmed. It’s better to be focused and do one thing at a time. Thanks so much for sharing such great tips with us on #shinebloghop!

    1. Thanks Maria! So true, I can totally overwhelm myself if I look at the big picture. I always have to break it down in pieces. Have a great weekend!

  2. Love this! I so needed this tonight as I started the process (again) of decluttering. It’s easy for me to get overwhelmed by all the stuff…..but, I am determined to get rid of all the excess stuff and make our home a place of peace.

  3. ” Just like my closets, eventually they will be opened and stuff will spill out everywhere. ” I’ve had that happen before, and it’s not pretty! 🙂
    You’re right, daily monitoring is best, both in our home and in our heart. It’s amazing how quickly clutter can build up when we don’t keep on top of things.
    Thanks for sharing! 🙂

  4. This was such a great post filled with wonderful analogies comparing the clutter of our homes to the clutter within our hearts!

    I too am someone that is physically effected by visible clutter, but I have ridiculously cluttered closets where stuff IS spilling out.

    I was convicted by a lot of your comparisons of closet clutter and the heart.

    Great truths and insights here. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thanks Karen! The sad part about the clutter in my house is that most of it belongs to my kids! I guess there’s a lesson to be learned there too…. Taking on other peoples clutter or burdens can ware us down as well! Thanks for visiting today!

  5. Thank you for sharing these tips and honesty. It is so appreciated. I have Psoriatic Arthritis, Osteoarthritis, Fibromyalgia and possible cancer and I have become so weak that I have not been able to clean for the last year but then my allergies just kept making me sicker and sicker. I had to get up and do something to help myself. I am in pain constantly but i have found that just getting moving and just doing one thing a day in a spurt of 15 minutes makes me feel better not only physically but also emotionally and mentally and since I am now back in to God’s Word I feel more at peace than I have inn the past 3 years!

    The key is a to always start with your time with God and the rest of your day will be more productive and things will run much smoother and you find yourself much more peaceful even if it does not go well. I have to keep reminding myself not to let one bad event still my joy and ruin my entire day.

    I also struggle with perfection so if I cannot do it perfectly alot of times I just do not do anything and boy– do the things really pile up! So I am reminding myself not to strive for perfection or for the praise of men, but rather to just do my best and to do it unto God.

    1. I’m so sorry to hear about all you have going on Karen! Praying that God will supernaturally heal you, body, soul and spirit. Thank you for taking time to read and comment today. Have a wonderful week!

  6. Yes, I agree. Your tips are great! A question I ask if I’m trying to get rid of an item, but it seems glued to my hand is, “Would I buy it again today?” That usually does it. 😉
    With decluttering the inside, God is continually working on us. Yet, we have our part! Less of junk means more of Jesus!
    Great post! 🙂

  7. I’m a pack-rat. I’m cluttered in so many ways that even just the word “declutter” is exhausting. Thanks for your simple reminders about why I need to keep at and get rid of the unnecessary in both my heart and my home.

  8. Alisa,
    These are such great tips and isn’t it funny how strategies for one are certainly just as effective as for the other?! Our homes and hearts are so deeply connected. Thank you for this message of hope. When we are overwhelmed by the clutter, life begins to feel hopeless. These strategies are steps toward filling our hearts back up with that hope! I just love having you stand alongside me at Moments of Hope! ♥

    Blessings and smiles,

  9. My home is in need of a de-clutter at the moment so your post may just spur me on! I find that my motivation for doing things wanes …especially when I see everyone else’s stuff hanging around the place…. even if my own stuff is in reasonable order. I can put systems in place but its then getting everyone to remember to use them!….At which point I get in to overwhelm and give up for a while and then everything piles up…. I know its a catch 22 sometimes… but I bet I’m not the only one out there that gets this way??? I know that my physical environment does effect how I feel….unfortunately the rest of my family are not effected so much by their environment! ( sigh) oh well… there are lessons in everything…namely don’t give up and keep on trying…

    1. I was just having this same conversation with my husband the other day! I can organize and then no one else follows suit! You are definitely not alone in your desire to give up! =) Thanks for stopping by! Have a great week!

  10. Great analogy and helpful tips for both our hearts and homes. Like so many, I tend to focus on what is seen but it is what is unseen than needs the tending more. I am glad to have read it at the beginning of my summer. I hope to spend time decluttering. Have a blessed Sunday!

  11. Oh, it’s the necessary verses the needless that gets to me! Letting things go that need to is hard – but that’s been something I’ve been working on this year! Good ideas, Alisa!

  12. “An unorganized house not only makes me feel cluttered on the outside but stressed on the inside”…we are kindred spirits! Taking these tips to heart (no pun intended), particularly assessing the necessary vs. the needless…not so difficult in my home as in my heart. Thanks for this intentional challenge! Crystal~

    1. Hahaha, love the pun Crystal!! I’m constantly battling the necessary vs the needless- especially with all my kids! They want to keep everything and I’m always trying to get rid of it! =) Thanks for visiting!

  13. Alisa, I absolutely love this! Years ago, God showed me how I had a ‘closet’ full of hurts and I was using up so much energy trying to keep the door closed! He had me open that door and He went through all of those hurts – one by one – with me. I wrote a post about this…I’ll link to it on this week’s Grace and Truth…I will also feature this post of yours! Thanks for linking up with Grace and Truth. Be sure to stop by and get your “I was featured” button!

    1. I love that, Aimee! Isn’t it awesome when God illustrates things so perfecting in a way we totally get? Thank you for sharing and featuring me today! I truly appreciate it!

  14. Hello! I love this post 🙂 I’m a huge fan of decluttering. A number of years ago I moved from a townhouse to a tiny apartment in NYC and I really learned to purge! It’s very freeing to not buy so much junk, find things that are double-duty (it’s creative outlet as well!) and get rid of things that you don’t love. My new motto is: If I dont absolutely LOVE it, it goes (or I don’t buy it!). Coming to you from the purposeful faith linkup.

    1. Me too, Leah! I can’t stand clutter! I love your motto- I probably need to adopt that one myself. I buy things and then end up throwing them away or giving them away- such a waste of money!! Thanks for reading today. Have a great week!

  15. Great tips! I need to bring some of these into my home! We are rearranging things at the moment and our bedroom is like a bombsite with stuff waiting to go up to the loft! We are trying to make it easier to live in when bubs comes along! Thanks for linking up with #TwinklyTuesday

  16. Love these tips! I am the WORST when it comes to throwing stuff away. I say to myself “I’ll need this eventually”, but I never do LOL! And you are so right. Many times when my home is cluttered it reflects what is going on in my life. We need to constantly declutter both. God Bless

    1. Thanks, Tosin! Me too… I used to be a serious hoarder. But the older my kids get and the more the stuff piles up, I’m seeing the huge benefit of giving stuff away or throwing it out! Here’s a great message by Craig Groeschel on less is more… I think you’ll enjoy it!

  17. Love your tips, Alisa! Thank you for these! I think my biggest tip is to involve the kids in the decluttering…especially as they’re a big part of the problem


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