prayer for my daughter | mom and daughter


  1. Love these sweet prayers, Alissa. I don’t have children of my own, but I do have step-children. Sometimes it gets discouraging when you see them moving away from God and don’t really have any say in what they do, say, or what they’re allowed to do. But I can be assured that my prayers for them are being heard. I’ve added these prayers to list for them. Thank you for the inspiration. Blessings.

  2. Beautiful prayers Alisa. I felt a sense of peace as I prayed them, and I even re-read the graphics to let them really register with my spirit. Thank you! My daughters and my family can always use prayer for so many things I had not even clearly defined until just now.

  3. Nice prayers Alissa. Useful ones. Praise God and Let this be useful for the mothers who read this

  4. Beautiful and Timely prayer in an era where so many children are turning away from the Faith, As we prayer each prayer May the angels of God deliver them straight to his heart from ours as we petition him in humility and trust. Thank you and God bless

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