How do you have fun in marriage? Keeping the spice in your married life is important to making it last! Here are 10 ways you can keep the fun in marriage.


  1. I loved the great advice you’ve given here, Shannon and Alisa! This is such an important thing to remember! Nope, I’ve never regretted creating fun memories in my marriage. Your advice about making fun a priority is spot on.

  2. I love this, Shannon! I’m such a Type A person that fun sometimes has to be intentional for me. I think I’m getting better as I get older because you know…we care less what others think. My hubby and I love date nights and Netflix binges, or just taking walks…especially to get a donut or ice cream…cuz then you earned it! Thanks for sharing and to Alisa for hosting you!!

  3. Great post! We’re soaring torwards 4yrs! Though our marriage is still young we’ve been through aloooot already. God has kept us. This article is a very helpful reminder with a fresh perspective. We love watching movies together (especially a series like Pirates of the Caribbean i.e.) , having date night is a must, trying new restaurants, doing puzzles (baby asleep, a snack, good conversation and working together = fun). Our next addition will be bike rides! The possibilites truly are endless. My favorite part was never stop experiencing new things together. That’s my nugget for today. Thank you ladies 🙂

  4. Great advice Shannon! you are braver than me with that snake, I’d have had my husband give me CPR because I’d have had a heart attack:)
    Visiting from #TestimonyTuesday

  5. Love these ideas, and it’s true that fun is so important for a vibrant, growing relationship. I love laughing together, taking time to talk and remember funny memories, or laughing over funny experiences we’ve had recently. It’s so easy to get wrapped up in the busyness of life. We need to make time for fun!

  6. Thanks Shannon and Alisa-great ideas here. One of the best things my husband suggested long ago was ‘date night’ and it was wonderful. We cannot let life separate us from those we love. Thanks for the great reminders!

  7. Great post, Shannon and Alisa! I am such a serious person, and I know my husband would appreciate more fun coming from me. Great reminder!

  8. These are awesome! There is nothing I like more than being with my husband. I love sitting on the deck after our girls are asleep and just laughing until I cry. 🙂

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