Comfort in grief


  1. Beautiful testimony of God’s amazing grace! The best of the worst times when God shows up in the midst of our pain and sorrow! Thank you for sharing because when you are in this alone place it seems as if you will never feel alive again. It helps to see others have been where you are and overcame. I love that you didn’t attach a formula to overcoming grief because God does customize a special one for each one of us. I will pass this on to a dear family from my school who are experiencing the loss of their 20 year old son this weekend. God bless you!

    1. Laurie, I’m so sorry to hear about the loss in your school. I’ve prayed for this precious family already – that they’ll find comfort amid the trench they suddenly found themselves in. Thank you for sharing and offering encouragement.

  2. This is such a beautiful encouragement to those in the midst of grief. It really feels like the trenches, doesn’t it? But God is with us and He will bring us through. I recently posted on grief on my blog and it is a tough and difficult thing to explore. But I’m so encouraged by your words and I know that others will be as well. Thank you, Kristi!

    1. God is certainly with us, whether our eyes are up or down. It sounds as though you understand. Thanks for your kind words, Nicole. To God be the glory….

  3. God never leaves us! He is present in the middle of the most profound loss. Thank you of sharing this truth through your story. Visiting from #searchingformoments and feeling grateful for this beautiful reminder of our Father God’s comfort and healing.

  4. Such wisdom here Kristi. There is no formula or steps to follow, just that time with God as he comforts and heals. Thank you for these words:)

  5. Beautiful picture you painted of loss Kristi. I lost my mom 10 years ago and there are still times where I am sad, but knowing she is dancing with Jesus gives my heart joy. 🙂

  6. Thank you for this beautiful and honest post, Kristi. My husband lost his father when he was 12, and I’ve seen the grief in him many times even though that was years ago. And yet God is all comforting, loving and so gracious in the midst of loss. <3 What a wonderful God He is!

    1. “And yet God is all comforing, loving and so gracious in the midst…” Oh yes, Lauren. I’m so thankful He’s always there because, like your husband, we often carry that loss for a long time – until heaven. Without our Father, we’d truly be at a loss.

  7. Kristi, thsee are comforting words. How precious to know that God, who loves us, never leaves our side.

    Yes, gratitude is a game-changer for me always, especially in hard times.

  8. Thanks so much for sharing your beautiful words, Kristi! I am so sorry for the loss of your dad. Reading your story reminded me so much of the pain of losing my dad. I remember being that little girl too. Oh, but my Heavenly Daddy–the God of ALL comfort scooped me up, and I have been in his arms ever since. Thank you again!

  9. I’m so glad you’re touching on this topic Kristi! You’ve spoken so beautifully into an uncomfortable and heavy place. Thank you for giving all of us permission to throw away the grieving to-do list! I work with so many clients who think they “should be” doing much “better” than they often are – believing that peace is something they can earn. Great, great piece:)

  10. Hi, These are such beautiful words for walking through grief with Jesus. God confirmed His Word to me today, as He had me choose that same passage from 2 Corinthians! His comfort truly does overflow around us, as we let Him touch our hearts. I’m your neighbor over at #LiveFreeThursday, and so glad I stopped by. –Blessings to you!

  11. Kristi, your words soothe and bring comfort. God is always near!
    Thank you, Kristi, for sharing your heart and, Alisa, for sharing her words. Sweet blessings to you both. xoxo

  12. Such a beautiful hope-filled post, Kristi. Thank you for sharing your story and pointing to Christ as our hope. Reminding us that He has not left us even when it may feel that way. Thanks so much for sharing this at #MomentsofHope! You are a blessing!

    Blessings and smiles,

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