Are you struggling to overcome rejection in your life? Are past wounds keeping you from flourishing relationships? Here are 6 Bible verses and confession to help you overcome rejection in life. #bibleverses #scriptures #prayers #freeprintable


  1. Alisa, thank you for the honor of being a Salt and Light featured post. I wish it weren’t true, but at some time or another a woman is likely to be at her wits end…searching for answers that don’t (seem to) come, and groping in the dark for understanding. It’s during these times that we need reassurance that El Roi – The God who sees us – is watching. He feels our pain and is keenly aware of our circumstances (which may even be a God ordained trial). And thank you so much for the “overcome rejection” printable! I can only think of one way to fight off the sting of that pain – through God’s word. Have a blessed day.

  2. Thank you for baring your soul to us because this post has been a soothing balm to my own painful places. Your openness is always refreshing and I’m praying peace over the hurt places today. Love you friend.

    1. Thank you, friend! Definitely a vulnerable one here, but I’ve learned that I’m never the only one. The enemy loves to use rejection to hold us back. Thank you for your kind and encouraging words. You’re always a blessing to me!

  3. Alisa ~ this is beautiful, powerful and anointed! Praise be to God for the wisdom you have shared! Thank you for ushering us into the presence of God with these scriptures and prayers! Love you BIG, sweet friend.

  4. Amen and Amen! I LOVE the powerful truths you share in this post! You are so right that God has been too good in our lives for us to allow Satan to get a foothold on our peace and joy! I used to struggle a lot with rejection in the past, and book The Root of Rejection by Joyce Meyer was very helpful. Praise God that we have the authority through Christ to declare that we are healed, whole, and delivered! Thank you for the beautiful printable! 🙂

    1. I read that book too!! I love Joyce Meyer!! Thanks for stopping by to read today, friend! It’s always a blessing to connect with you.

  5. Alisa, I love how you model praying scripture. And these are some wonderful verses! (How scary about your husband’s hand.) I so appreciate your ministry, friend. Just wanted to come here and tell you that today. Definitely pinning this post all around.

  6. oh Alisa how I need this today. My mind is just stuck on feeling rejected by the ones I love the most. I am soooo stuck, thank you

  7. thank you for this blog post. I needed help finding the scriptures against rejection. Thank you. its great to know we are not alone and we are not rejected when we belong to God. the Bible is the best book yet to use. 🙂

  8. This was beautiful and exactly what I needed! Thank God for leading me here and Thank you for your obedience in writing this.

  9. Thank you so much for allowing God to use your gift of writing. I really needed this on rejection. I didn’t know that the spirit of rejection and pain could cause you to miss God’s plan for your life. May God bless you for helping to free others of the spirit of rejection.

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