Are you wasting time looking for a perfect marriage? Married life can be difficult and far from perfect. Here are a few tips on how a marriage centered around Christ can change your view of what marriage looks like. #marriage #theperfectmarriage #marriagetips #relationships #overcoming #christianmarriage


  1. Thanks for the feature, Alisa! It’s always good to know we are not alone in our struggle to be the woman God wants us to be. Living in this world is hard! But greater is He who is in us, right?
    Jen 🙂

  2. I too had unrealistic expectations for what marriage would look like. I have been married 30 years, and I have to say only in the last five years have I settled into an acceptance of what it is and who we are.

    1. It is so important to realize that two imperfect people are under the Sovereign care of the Perfect God. When we expect our significant other to complete us ,we can run into a huge loss.

      Only Jesus can complete us !

  3. Love this post and especially this: “I’m thankful that I didn’t let the idea of the “perfect marriage” ruin the perfect work God was doing.” Amen!

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