perfect love casts out fear | overcoming fear | god's love |


  1. I’ve been dealing with fear and anxiety a lot over the past year. This was a really great reminder. Thank you. <3

    1. I’m sorry to hear that, Ashley! It can definitely get the best of us! Praying for God’s supernatural peace that surpasses all understanding will guard your heart and mind in Christ.

  2. Your post is such a confirmation to me today! 🙂 Thanks for such a powerful reminder of the truth & power of the love of God. <3 your "neighbor" over at Holley Gerth's link up 🙂

    1. Yep! That is true. I once looked up the amount of phobias and I was amazed at how many there were! Thank the Lord that His perfect love casts out each and every one.

  3. Fear is such a booger. Thank goodness we have a Savior who leads us triumphantly. Love your Fear sign-up graphic, Alisa. So proud of you for stepping out!

  4. Yes and Amen! Love that verse. It took me years before I finally understood WHY perfect love casts out fear, but I am so thankful now that I really get it.

    1. Thank you! It has been a struggle for me as well, but I’m learning to fight fear the way it should be fought…in the spirit!

  5. As I read this I realized that I sometimes feel fear/worry/anxiety in my body, but have not acknowledged my feelings thoughtfully. I’ve found that as I quiet myself before the Lord His love covers those feelings as I bring them to Him. It’s in trusting that love that we find peace. Loved your post. Visiting from #graceandtruth

  6. So true! It’s not about what we do, but what God does. His perfect love casts out all fear. Thank you for these encouraging words. Visiting from #momentsofhope today.

  7. Hello, Alisa! I, too, love that verse! Love is greater. And the FEAR acronym is brilliant and spot on. Thanks so much for sharing!

  8. Alisa, thank you for sharing your heart in this post. I’m sorry for the loss of your father. I also love this verse. It has helped me overcome. Visiting from #momentsofhope

  9. It seems fear is so entrenched in our human condition, and I’m always grateful for the reminders that God is indeed in control!

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