What You’ll Find in the Place of Surrender
But now, O Lord, You are our Father; We are the clay, and You our potter;
And all we are the work of Your hand. Isaiah 64:8 NKJV
Bridges aren’t built in a day.
It’s true.
It seems like I’ve driven by the same bridge construction for over a year and still it remains unfinished. Traffic gets backed up, it takes twice as long to get to where I’m going and honestly, it’s not pretty to look at.
Sometimes it’s hard to see the beauty in the midst of a work in progress.
As I sat in traffic, looking at the churned up mud and equipment scattered all over this area, it dawned on me how much this very sight looked like my life before Christ came and captured my heart.
I was one big mess.
Fear and anxiety ruled my life and my relationships. I built walls of protection to keep everyone out, to ensure that no one would hurt me. By shutting everyone out, I was closing myself in.
I desperately needed God to work in my life, but I was doing everything possible to keep Him out.
But He didn’t give up on me.
He had a plan for my life, that I’m still walking out today.
[bctt tweet=”Regardless of how messy and incomplete we look while God is molding us, in the end there will be a beautiful masterpiece.” username=”Alisa_Nicaud”]
He keeps pursuing and drawing me closer, molding me into the woman He created me to be.
Calming my fears, He assures me of His ability to lead me.
He is trustworthy.
I am His, no longer on my own.
I don’t have to do life alone.
Surrender to God
The reality of God’s presence and love is just too overwhelming for our human minds to comprehend. It breaks us down to the place of surrender.
This place, surrender, is where we begin to see the light.
[clickToTweet tweet=”Heaviness lifts, hearts are healed and joy becomes our new reality in this place called surrender.” quote=”Heaviness lifts, hearts are healed and joy becomes our new reality in this place called surrender.”]
It’s amazing how one touch from Him, takes away the very thing that plagues us for years.
The woman with the issue of blood knew this first hand.
She had only heard of this Jesus that so many spoke of.
Although she had never met Him face to face, she was determined to find Him.
It was resolved in her heart that He was indeed her help.
The sleepless nights, dreaming of finding this Jesus, hoping and praying that if she could just touch Him—all her pain would go away.
She would no longer be unclean, she would no longer suffer, her future would once again be bright.
Spotting Him in the crowd, she advanced forward, pushing her way through.
She was completely unaware of her surroundings.
Her goal… To touch the hem of his garment.
She didn’t need to ask Him for healing or ask Him why this happened to her or even hesitate, wondering if He would actually do what she desired.
She bolted for that small piece that dragged the ground and she touched it.
At that very moment, she was healed.
No words were exchanged, no hands were laid on her.
The only things present were her determination and her hope in the One who already knew what she needed.
She relentlessly sought Him and it changed her life.
Then he said to her, “Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace.” Luke 8:48 NKJV
Are you relentlessly pursuing Jesus?
Are you pushing your way through emotions, preconceptions, doubts and worry to touch the hem of His garment?
He’s waiting for you.
At the end of your relentless pursuit, in the place of surrender, He’s waiting patiently and expectantly.
He sees you running toward Him and with open arms He’s ready to receive you.
God is not harsh. He is not distant. He is not unreachable.
His love for you surpasses all understanding and He longs to heal you–mind, body and spirit.
I love the way you bring to mind that “It’s amazing how one touch from Him, takes away the very thing that plagues us for years.”
This sentiment highlights so many times in my life that God reveals a struggle that I need to turn over to Him.
Great, inspiring words.
Happy Thursday!
Thanks Meg! I’m very familiar with being int hat place of needing that one touch from Him as well! Hope you had a wonderful Christmas!
I’m a visual person, thank you for describing the construction scene, loved that word picture! He loves us all, dirty mess and everything. Great reminder 🙂
I’m like that too Kellie! When I’m reading, I get a visual of what’s actually going on. Thanks for visiting!
Alisa, welcome to Thought-Provoking Thursday! I had to smile when I read your post because I actually read a passage in Jeremiah 18 this morning about the potter and the clay. — I love it when God repeats Himself and makes sure I am paying attention. My ears are perked now thanks to your good word here. — It’s so lovely to “meet you,” and I look forward to reading more in the days to come. Blessings 🙂
Thats awesome Lyli! I love when God shows me the same thing all throughout the day! It’s such confirmation of His desire to spend time with us. Thanks so much for stopping by!
I love where you said that one touch from Him can take away the things that have plagued us for years. It made me think about all the times I held onto something I could have LONG ago let go of and I either didn’t think I was worthy of His help (other people have FAR worse health problems, far more issues, etc) or that I maybe just thought was my “lot in life” or my “thorn in the flesh”. And once we go to Him like the trusted Father He is and give it over, He will take it on. It doesn’t always mean it turns out the way WE think it should but it certainly changes.