How do you make brothers and sisters best friends? It's not easy to nurture friendships among siblings. Here are a few tips to cultivate those friendships.


  1. Hi alisa! I am struggling in this area right now. My oldest son who is six does not “like” his middle brother, and gives the little one all the attention. We are trying our best to incorporate friendship. Thank you for this post, it’s quite applicable for our family. (Shared to FB)

  2. What a great article – we should embrace our differences. My husband and I would write down our children’s strengths and weaknesses and encourage the in their strengths and let them know we all have weaknesses they’re just different.

  3. What a heart-warming post! My kids seem to be at each other’s throats most day;) It was only my sister and me, so to have 5 kids, it’s been a huge learning experience! Love your tips, I’m going to give them a try!
    Visiting from #TellHisStory

    1. Mine still are like that some days, but overall I feel like it’s definitely getting better! It’s definitely been a learning curve for me!! I was an only child so I felt like I was in foreign territory!!

  4. Great post! I have four sister and four kids so I know from LOTS of experience how hard it can be. Your tips and suggestions are key to building strong friendships with anyone…especially siblings!

    1. Thanks, Charlie! I’m an only child so I had to learn the hard way with my 5! But the sweetness I’m starting to see has been worth all the long talks and time invested in nurturing their relationships!

  5. Alisa – I loved this post and got some great ideas from it. Even though my children are grown adults, I think I can still apply the lessons. I plan to incorporate praying for each one we have family time and encouraging them to embrace their differences. I pinned it. Thank you!

    1. Thank you, Maree Dee! Yes, what a great idea to incorporate with adult children. We have one adult child in our home and one nearing adulthood and this has been very good for them as well! Thank you for sharing!

  6. This is something that I will definitely be coming back to. I have 3 boys and 1 unknown due in Jan, these are great tips to help make sure that they have the best start towards friendship. Sharing on my FB page!

    1. Congrats on the new addition coming, Rebekah! Wow, 3 boys! I have 2 boys and 3 girls and trying to get them to all get along ha been quite the journey! I wish I would’ve started doing these things when they were little!! But I’m believing God is making up for whatever we lacked in those years! You’ll have a great start on nurturing those friendships. Thanks for sharing!

  7. Great post! I think any time you have people living in close proximity you’ll have differences that scrape against each other, but when we value the gifts and strengths of others, then it can go a long way in smoothing over the natural tensions that happen. thanks!

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